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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Potential first WILD

      by , 02-22-2017 at 02:13 PM

      Asleep: 11:50
      WBTB: 3:55, 6:30
      Awake: 7:45
      Techs: Autosuggestion, WBTB + MILD
      NLDs: 2
      Lucids: 1 (maybe, read description)

      1. I'm sitting in a college lit class. The office manager from the restaurant I work at is there. We are all taking a test. It requires you to draw and/or write your responses and is very challenging. Everyone is cheating as we are seated in a weird arrangement where we are across from other students. I have other tags written down. "salad", "musical note", "sequence of characters". But this dream happened before 3:55 and I don't remember these additional details anymore.

      2. This dream is fragmented. In one scene, I remember my friend M meeting with president Obama. In another scene, I remember watching a documentary about my dad being in jail. He had a ponytail. None of that is true lol. I was working on getting his name cleared.

      3. I need help classifying this experience. Read on, I'll provide commentary. I woke up around 6:35 (after my 6:30 alarm which I apparently didn't hear). I turned that alarm off and laid back down. I did MILD then turned over to go to sleep. I 'came to' still lying in bed. I didn't move as I felt like something was weird. I might have already been sleeping at this point. Quickly, I felt the same pulsating/vibrating feeling from last night. Suddenly, fractal patterns of light appeared behind my eyelids. I felt the sensation of moving/falling forward through a tunnel. I "knew" I was going to appear in a dreamscape. I thought of water but then I realized I didn't want to appear in the open ocean. So I very quickly visualized a pool. Suddenly, I found myself in a busy, suburban pool. I do a nose-plug RC and can of course breathe. I look around and the pool area is full of adults and children. I walk up to the first woman and we do sexual things together (except after a minute or two, I thought to myself I don't want to waste a whole lucid doing just this). Then I get out of the pool and walk through a grassy area. I decide to look at my hands. My hands look completely normal except that there are purple marker lines on one hand. I think to myself, that makes sense that they are represented like this since I was at work last night and sometimes my hands get marker on them. I decided to jump up and test gravity. I came right back to the ground like normal. I then walked over to a swing set. I tried to jump to the top but didn't make it. Then I decided to try again and willed myself up as I jumped. I reached the railing. I came back down and jumped again, this time with renewed confidence. I managed to jump all the way up to the top of the swingset. Then, the DC parents came around and asked me where I'm from. I said I'm from another place and I come here to have fun. They asked me to leave. That's all I remember. A few minutes later I woke up in bed feeling somewhat distant from this experience.

      Notes - I had work last night so was stressed out until I got home and went to sleep at 11:50. I was also tired so I didn't do any induction techniques until around 6:35. I'm still happy with this experience last night whatever it was.
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    2. 2 Lucids

      by , 02-20-2017 at 03:09 PM

      Asleep: 11:45
      WBTB: 4:04, 5:00, 7:30
      Awake: 8:30
      Techs: WBTB + MILD and SSILD
      NLDs: 1 + a fragment
      Lucids: 2

      1. Fragment - Woke up with the image of drinks in champagne glasses

      2. I had insomnia after last awakening. I did MILD and then SSILD to help me fall asleep. I'm not sure if this is an FA because I didn't realize I ever fell asleep till after. T said I was keeping her awake. At one point, I started typing loudly on a computer? She got mad and grabbed her pillow and said she was going to sleep in the guest room. She said, "I can't afford to not get sleep before work". After she left, I got out of bed to use the restroom and I brought my phone with me for light. The screen was very dim. I tried to adjust the brightness but it still wouldn't get much brighter. Then, I heard male voices coming from above me. But we live in a single-story house so I knew there couldn't be anyone else near-by. As I was leaving the bathroom, I thought both these things were weird so I did a nose-plug RC but I was still fully convinced I was awake. When I could still breathe, I rationalized it by saying that maybe I didn't hold my nose fully closed. I tried again. It still worked. I became lucid! Suddenly, the whole dream started to vibrate or shake. I tried to stay calm but I woke up and used the restroom.

      3. (FA) Again, I had insomnia. Eventually I must have fallen asleep. I'm laying in my normal bed. Now, the bedroom door is open which is weird. I got up to check and "it felt like a dream". As I walked out of the room, I did a nose-plug RC and became lucid. I tried to remain calm. I walked a few steps in the hall, then remembered to try looking at the ground. The floor was our fake-wood. I then looked at the wall and saw a light switch. I got up close to it and it was very detailed and impressive. After a few more steps down the hall, I started to wake up. As the imagery faded, I tried to spin. I remained in a black void for a few seconds after which I woke up.

      4. I'm watching a sci-fi movie that I've apparently seen before at an unknown house. There are cats roaming around. At one point, I let a cat in from outside and it starts hissing. I think to myself that maybe it is rabid. I let in another cat and it seems friendly but has long claws. It is playing with me, but comes close to scratching my arms several times. I remember one of my co-workers was present in the house. I then walk into a main area and see my mom, except she is black. (we're both white). Somehow I rationalize this as real LOL. And when I hug her I see she has a "new" tattoo on her back, in addition to one already there. It is for her mother (who is still alive). My mom would never get a tattoo!)

      Notes - Today was a great night. Two lucids and the 2nd one was the longest I've had so far. I feel so confident and excited. I did experience some insomnia which is frustrating and caused me to lose out on some sleep. Also I find it funny how I missed my mom changing races and getting a tattoo.

      Updated 02-20-2017 at 04:22 PM by 92619

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    3. Drunk Night

      by , 02-19-2017 at 06:04 PM

      Asleep: 3:30?
      WBTB: A couple times
      Awake: 11ish
      Techs: None
      Dreams: 2 + 1 short fragment
      Lucids: 0

      1. Fragment - T's friend Page is talking about losing weight through eating...

      2I am living in a dorm with T. I'm talking with my mom about us getting an apartment together once we graduate college. T and I never knew each other in college. The food was really bad. We also had no where to lay down. I remember trying to drape a shirt/sheet across a hallway to lay down on or something?

      3. I am on a police training compound. For some reason, the FBI comes to investigate the compound. 1 agent is killed. I remember wishing I had a gun. I've been researching which gun to buy IWL. I remember scenes of running away/being chased.

      Notes - last night was T's birthday and we through a big party. I was very drunk and didn't get to sleep till around 3:30ish.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Lucid Sleep Paralysis (again) and a New Mom?

      by , 02-18-2017 at 03:03 PM

      Asleep: 12:45
      WBTB: 3:30, 5:30, 7:30
      Awake: 8:24
      Techs: WBTB + MILD (and a little SSILD to help fall asleep during WBTB)
      Dreams: 3
      Lucids: 1

      1. (FA) I "woke up" and looked at the time on my phone. I then decided to move my alarm one hour later for WBTB because of how late it was already. Then I woke up for real.

      2. I am in a room with my dad and one of my parent's family friends, Jackie. It is night-time, during a WBTB. I am reading a night-time WBTB recording on (dreamviews?) which has notes from everyone's WBTB from that night.

      3. During this dream, two people were present who I genuinely thought were friend's of T. I thought we had seen a movie with them. I even have memories of being at the movie theater with them. Upon waking, I know we've never met these people. T's two friends, who I apparently remembered us going to the movies with, came over to our house early in the morning. They dress 'uniquely', kinda metrosexual or hipster. (Trying not be offensive, I just seriously don't know anything about fashion lol) They laid down in our bed with us and we all tried to get some sleep. Then they're other friends came over as well. There were three of them, but I remember this one big guy. He came over and shook my hand while I was lying in bed. Then he leaned down and gave T an awkward hug where they were patting each other's backs for a socially awkward amount of time.

      4. (FA) I "woke up" in my normal bed. I laid down for a second and then remembered that I should write that previous dream down. I turned over and grabbed my penlight, but couldn't find my tag notebook. I wasn't thinking clearly because I thought, "I wonder if that big guy knocked it down." I looked on the nightstand and the floor. Then I thought, that's weird my tag notebook really should be here. Maybe I'm dreaming. I did a nose-plug RC and before I even finished, I just knew I was dreaming. The nose-plug RC worked and I could breathe. But then, I felt total sleep paralysis lying on my side in bed. I couldn't move. My normal reaction SP took over and I tried to move my head/neck. I woke up.

      Notes - I did a little autosuggestion before bed but that's it. I woke up a couple times during the night, once to use restroom and once to my alarm. I didn't do any induction technique during these awakenings. Then, T came home and got in bed at 7:30am which caused me to wake up. She also let the cats in. I laid there for a while and did MILD. Then I eventually got up to kick the cats out. I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to try SSILD as a cure for insomnia. It worked. I fell asleep after a little while and had these two dreams, during the last of which I became lucid!
    5. Fragmentary Recall, Sleep Paralysis, and a sort of Lucid

      by , 02-14-2017 at 02:54 PM

      Asleep: 11:45
      WBTB: 3:26, 4:46, 6:25, 7:15ish
      Awake: 8:30
      Tech: MILD, WBTB + MILD, WBTB
      Dreams: 2
      Lucids: 0 (read on, I had an experience that is hard to fit into a category)

      1. Fragmentary recall - I am at the restaurant where I work part-time. While my usual co-workers are there working, there are also beds (or at least 1 bed?) in the restaurant. I remember speaking with my manager at one point about being hungry and eating and she tells me that I cannot sit at the usual section to eat because it is still to early in the night and we are busy. Nevertheless, she gives me the "early section" that is usually empty before the others. I go there and there is a bed. It is in the far back corner of the restaurant. Around 8:56 dream time (I thought we closed at 9:00pm), I decided I needed to make the bed so I could leave? I remember struggling to do that, and it was taking much longer than I thought so I didn't think I would finish by 9:00. (Memory Blank) I then got desert which was a huge plate of cookie cake served with ice cream and ate it on the bed while talking to 3 of my co-workers. I kept seeing their eyes look towards the bowl so eventually I went and grabbed three forks (or spoons?) and let them have the rest. One guy, Joey, seemed to eat the rest of the cookie cake in one bite.

      2. This was either a lucid moment or very vivid HH. I'm not an expert on the terms so maybe someone can clarify. I woke up as T was leaving for work and used the restroom. Then I laid down and did MILD. I was tired and started experiencing visual HH. Suddenly, I'm walking out of a restaurant. I see my friend Kyle having dinner with a girl. Although we make eye contact and I wave, he doesn't seem to recognize me. After I exit the restaurant, I'm walking through the parking lot and I see my best friend from high school and his girlfriend. They also don't seem to recognize me. This strikes me as really weird and I think to myself that maybe this is a dream. I try to do an RC but I feel sleep paralysis and this attempt at movement causes me to "wake up". After writing tags for this "dream", I tried to fall back asleep and I entered sleep paralysis 4 times. It seemed like if I stayed still for 20 seconds I would enter full paralysis. SP always freaks me out so each time it happened I struggled to move my head/neck until the paralysis broke. Next time I will try to stay calm and enter a dream.

      Notes - Regardless of whether that 2nd "dream" was a lucid dream or vivid HH, I'm still really happy. The other lucid dream I had came as a result of "just knowing" I was dreaming. This experience involved reasoning and questioning reality, deciding I might be dreaming, and attempting to test my state with a reality check! This occurred after a MILD attempt, so I think I will stick with MILD It seems it does not give me insomnia anymore when I do it "lightly" and in a relaxed way.

      Updated 02-15-2017 at 09:55 PM by 92619

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Foggy Night

      by , 02-12-2017 at 03:44 PM

      Asleep: 1:00am
      WBTB: several times throughout the morning
      Awake: 9:15
      Techs: MILD, autosuggestion, WBTB + SSILD
      Dreams: 3 fragments
      Lucids: 0

      1. Fragmented dream. I remember being with my parents. My mother was experiencing bad memory loss/dementia. I noticed it immediately. When I brought it up with my dad while we were out of the room, he said that he hadn't noticed it. I realized he has been experiencing some of the same symptoms, only more mild. I remember my mom acting weird around all my friends as well. Like she didn't remember what age she was, or who she was talking to or anything. I have other notes written in my nighttime dream tag book but I can't read them.

      2. (Possible FA) I believe this dream occurred after I woke up and did SSILD. I dreamt of doing SSILD cycles in bed. (Memory blank) I'm in Chipotle standing in line with my dad, but strangely I am doing SSILD cycles with my eyes closed while standing in line? I remember having to continuously open my eyes and pause the cycles to walk forward in line.

      3. This dream is somewhat personal. It's a fragmented memory of a conversation between my girlfriend and I about an issue we had earlier in the evening. I'll keep it vague but it did provide me with a way to broach the subject this morning.

      Notes: Due to feeling sick, as well as relationship issues, I wasn't very motivated last night. I'm happy to report I still did MILD before bed and woke up several times during the night. I did a small MILD during one WBTB as well as SSILD at least 1 other time. I did not get lucid but I did have a dream about doing SSILD cycles.
    7. Rabid Cats and Insomnia (again)

      by , 02-09-2017 at 03:18 PM

      Sleep: 11:45
      WBTB: 5:00
      Awake: 8:45
      Tech: MILD, Autosuggestion, WBTB + MILD
      Dreams: 4 (plus one short fragment/image)
      Lucids: 0

      1. My first memory from this dream is "watching" my younger self play hockey (I recently found an old home-video of one of my hockey games). The jersey's and our age were identical to the home video I found. (Memory Blank) Now I am playing hockey. I believe I'm still younger than now, possibly in high school. One of my current friends is there, along with my teammates from the home video. It was so much fun to play hockey again and it felt so realistic. This was a practice session but we also did a short scrimmage, where we played a "fake game" against ourselves. I also remember a scene where I'm driving "home" with one of my teammates and his grandpa. I woke up and had to use restroom. I laid there for a moment to better recall the dream. Apparently I quickly fell asleep again.

      2. I'm in the front of my old neighborhood standing on a lawn. There are a couple of large trucks around. One is even parked in the yard I'm in. I decide that before I walk the rest of the way to my house, I need to get out my journal to write down my crazy hockey dream! So, I vividly recall every detail of the dream and meticulously write it down. Out of nowhere, a truck comes barreling down the street from farther in the neighboorhood and almost hits me. I think it ran into the other truck which stopped it, but I don't remember. I wake up, frustrated, and write down what I remember from the hockey dream. I have the feeling/memory that I remembered and wrote down MUCH more about the hockey dream in this dream, but I simply can't recall those additional details.

      3. I'm with T in this enclosure with an animal guide. It's a weird "natural cat enclosure". Eventually, we see a mother cat and her kitten. But something's wrong. The mother is VERY aggressive and appears to be foaming at the mouth. I realize she has rabies. I ask the guide and he very calmly confirms. The cat runs over to me. I'm trying to get away. It manages to bite/scrape me enough to draw blood. (Unfortunately I've had experience with possible rabies and the immunization process so I know that this scrape is enough to transfer the infection). I'm furious with the guide. We leave and are picked up by T's brother. As is typical for him, he's very carefree about the whole situation. He says something along the lines of "oh yeah, well you've dealt with that before right?". I wake up.

      4. Sex dream.

      5. I wake up at 8:45. I know I've been dreaming a long dream but I instantly am thinking about stresses of the day and I can't recall. I only have the image of exiting a front yard and walking on the sidewalk of a neighborhood.

      A good night for recall but frustrating due to insomnia. Before bed, I did 15 minutes meditation, some autosuggestion, and MILD technique. Then I allowed myself to let go and go to sleep. I woke up to use restroom, and couldn't go back to sleep till around 7:00. I did do MILD during this time (not for the whole thing of course, just for a few minutes) so I still think it was a success in terms of consistency.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Frustrating Night

      by , 02-08-2017 at 03:22 PM

      Sleep: 11:45pm
      WBTB: 4:00am, 5:00am
      Awake: 8:52
      Techs: WBTB + MILD
      Dreams: 3
      Lucids: 0

      1. (FA) After T left, I fell back asleep and had a false awakening. I "knew" that T had left, and I heard weird sounds which I interpreted in the dream as meaning that someone was breaking into our house. (the sounds might have been coming from our real noise maker now that I think about it). I ran to the closet to hide/grab a weapon. After a period of time, I felt it was safe and walked out of closet back to bed. I laid down and woke up for real.

      2. My memory is hazy on this dream. I remember being with a group of friends, although I don't believe I know any of them in real life. We went to some breakfast place, I got separated, and then I was running through the city in a towel. I kept ending up in ridiculous places like our professional baseball stadium. I would walk down some public tunnel, open the door, and suddenly I'm in the stands of the stadium. So weird that those types of things don't make you question if you're dreaming. At one point, one of the ushers started laughing since I was in a towel. I ran, and jumped down the rowls/levels of seats. I guess I knew I was "dreaming" at the last second, as I wasn't scared that I was dropping down hundreds of feet about to hit the ground. Of course, prior to doing so, I woke up.

      3. Fragment - I'm in a foreign country with someone. We are retreating. We have satellite footage of a bomb being dropped into this country. It was dropped on a beach, at which time someone hit it like a volley ball into the ocean. Once under water, it blew up sending a water ball/explosion that didn't do much damage. Then it exploded again in a larger blast. And it exploded once more in an even larger blast, although it didn't seem to affect the men on the ground. At this point, I woke up.

      This was a frustrating night. I woke up at 4:00am randomly, but went back to sleep immediately. I had my alarm set to begin going off at 5:00am, and then every 30 minutes thereafter until I was to wake up at 8:00am. I've heard of success with this technique on the forums and I remember years ago getting random lucid moments when "snoozing" my alarm in the morning while sleeping in or while taking a long nap. However, when my alarm went off at 5:00am I had to pee. After that I could NOT go back to sleep. I laid there for an hour repeating MILD, then relaxing, meditating, etc. Nothing. Finally fell back asleep around 6:30-7:00 when T left and woke up at 9:00. My motivation is intact, but it's days like this that test your resolve.

      Updated 02-08-2017 at 04:41 PM by 92619

      dream fragment , non-lucid , false awakening