04.10.2010Halo fight (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I don't remember much of this dream but I was fightingbrutes and elites from halo in some kind of quake / UT arena. I thought wow this is an epic dream, I must be lucid. Everything became black. I tried to see more details but it didn't work. I thought I woke up and I was laying in my bed. My dad was standing in my door and was yelling at me. My bed was on the place it was a couple of months ago. Not on the new place.
04.10.2010Lost in the subway (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in the subway and I saw thousands of people there I took stars up and down, went behind corners and passed lots of places. Everywere were thousands of peoples.
04.10.2010Infiltrating an enemy camp. While flying. (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Therewas a big grassy place with lots of bushes and trees. I was there and I had to find an enemy camp.I was jumping very high and I could steer a little. I always tried jumpoing a little higher. I Then jumped a lot higher that the other jumps and i became so afraid that i stopped going higer and went back to the ground. (I could have gone higher if i wanted.) Then I Saw a security camera hanging in a tree. I actually didn't see it but I knew it was there. it was actually in a forest with very high trees, the forest was outside of the large area and it was behind very high fences. I jumped over the fences. They were at least 100m high and the trees were even higher.I looked for the camera but didn't find it. I realized that I was dreaming and everything became black.I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. After a few seconds my eyes opened a little and I got some blurry view. I was laying in a hospital bed and I saw a big needle in front of me. I kicked it away with my feet. It made a huge noise. Since I thought i woke up, I thought I kicked something over in my room.
04.10.2010Lasering weird signs. (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in a forest pathway and was fighting some weird signs. I had a laser and there were yellow strings of weird signs. They were about a meter long and when I shot them they divided a little but they stayed there so i could actually keep shooting it... Then I went a few meters back and I saw a friend being constricted by a sleeping bag. The sleeping bag was very big, maybe even 2 meters in diameter and only his head stuck out. I tried with my laser to help the sleeping bag close. It didn't work but because there was already too much pressure, his head exploded and there was a thick beam of blood shooting out of his neck.
04.10.2010Being chased by friends. (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was with some friends doing work in a factory. Then I started running away from one of them. She kept following me. I ran through some more places and the dream ended.
29.09.2010book & movie store (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID i was with harry potter in a movie store. I walked in and harry said: the cat books are over there. I said i will take a look at them later. Then I walked up to him and asked : hey harry, umm or what your real name is... what is yourreal name? He answered "Dean Connery" Then I said I could have just checked the dvd for his name. i went to the dvd and looked what it read. it said something slightly different, Like "Dave Connery" I went back to the cat books.
29.09.2010Firefight (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I forgot the first parts of the dream but i remember it from here. I was together bith my old chiro group being chased by covenant. we reached some kind of bunker. I went in and saw a big blue ball. I went to it and activated it. The blue ball was the chiro version of a save point, it was in all chiro games. I went out and i saw my friends there but suddenly covenant elites dropped from the sky (dropships) i threw some grenades and most of them died. we had to go back to our base. i enabled some kind of auto run on myself and i started running towards my base. i couldn't change how i was running, i had no control. I was being followed by a dropship. it was shooting at be. it then passed by me and there was a second dropship. it shooted at me and i died.
29.09.2010filling a bucket with water (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was outside in my garden and i was filling a bucket with water. i looked accross the street and saw my neighbor looking at me. I waved my hand at him.I went back to filling the bucket and when I looked behind me, he was standing there. I filled the bucket and did something with it that i can't remember.
13.09.2010Traveling and my cat (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I'm going to make this quick. I was walking through a place with my family. we walked next to the small variant of a river(dunno the english word for it) and we also came in aa house. There was a device in the house that I was interested in. When we reached the end of the river, my youngest brother started to be annoying, I was angry at him. Then we arrived at our house. I was next to my house and my father was inside. He locked himself in. We all agreed that he was being stubborn again. Then I looked through a window. A meter behind it was some kind of barricade. I was expecting to see my father there but I saw my cat, Milly(!!!) She walked around there and I could see her vividly with all her colors. I became too excited and woke up because I realized she is dead in real life This was a casual dream, nothing special but 2 people in it were annoying, so not so much fun. I finally saw my cat in a dream since she died. For this I give my dream a 10/10
12.09.2010Laptop randomness (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was on a sandy roud near a plain with some people on it. The whole dream was kinda brown and there was a lot of sand. I just bought a laptop. In fact, everyone there was going to buy a laptop, or has just bought one. We bought new laptops because our old laptops were very old and slow. I walked around a lot and talked to some people. I recently bought a laptop, I recently started working with lots of laptops and computers every day and I have to fix someone's laptop in my free time. That's why I dreamt about this. The dream was not really fun to have but also not very bad. At least there was some color in it. Too bad I can't recall more of the dream.
05.09.2010Eating chips like a ninja (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I have a feeling this dream won't make any sense and it will be hard to explain, but here is my try. I was downstairs in the living with my youngest brother. It was night, and the rest of my family was sleeping upstairs. My brother was just sitting there in the cauch. Our living was very big and very high. there were huge towers and it was dark, it also looked like an old destroyed by war-city. There wasn't much color in my dream, except for some objects. The first color thing was something weird. On some places on the wall, and on some towers, there was a spot that looked like the glow of an over shield from halo and i had to to throw a green hat to that place, to break it. I had to throw the green hat, using a bigger hat. I missed sometimes, but I also hit it. After doing that for a while, I noticed some green cups that we have in real life. There were some leftovers from chips in it and They were standing in corners. I tried to eat many. Oh I forgot to say, every movement I made was very stealthy because I didn't want to wake anyone up. They were paprika chips, I saw it by the color. Then I heard my other brother from upstaird yelling that some people have been detected downstairs. I checked my hud-map thing. It pointed to people in the house, and the pointer for me and my brother was downstairs. He actually said something in real life, and I heard it while I was still sleeping. He was playing call of duty. I was angry because I betrayed me. It was the middle of the night and I had a feeling my parents would be VERY angry if they found out we were downstairs. I knew I couldn't hide so I ran towards the bathroom, and started pouring toothpaste in my mouth. I did it because I could then use the excuse that I was just brushing my teeth. I knew I didn't have much time.I really tasted the toothpaste and I tried to get rid of the biggest part of it in my mouth. i woke up and heard my brother talking. to my other brother in the other room. no wonder I heard it too -.-
02.09.2010Ants! (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was inside my house, at the big window downstairs. My mother was in the room too. I looked outside and saw some small ants crawling between the stones. They were pretty big, but not immense big. There were a couple of ats in a row going between the stones of the ground and the last ant was the biggest. I was very afraid. I went to the other room and looked out the window. The ants there were even bigger, they were almost a meter big. i was even more afraid now, and i was crying. I told my mother that I was afraid. The ants were actually crawling between the surface and under the stones. then I saw shark-like fins coming from between the stones. It had the color of the ants. They went around the stones and when they went around a stone it fell down in a void below the ground. That is when i really became afraid and constantly started panicking. I kept saying to my mother: Mom help they are sawing the stones out of the ground! Then my mother woke me up. It was fun to have the dream because it was vivid, it was a good dream.
25.07.2010Flying Around (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This is my first decent lucid dream, so it was pretty awesome for me. I don't think i was completely lucid, because i didn't really realize that I was dreaming, and I didn't do a RC. I did have some thoughts about dreaming, but I don't remember what I thought. So I wasn't completely lucid, but it was very vividand I had some control, so it must be awesome to be completely lucid. I don't remember how the dream started. I was in my house with a guy who knew everything about controlling myself in the fantasy world. I concidered myself more in a fantasy world than in a dream. I was in my house with a person who could go to the fantasy world whenever he wants. He knew everything about fantasy, and living and controlling yourself in it. I think I was locking someone in a room in my house. I didn't like the person, and the room doesn't really exist IRL. The room was a little bigger than the toulet and it looked old inside with a wooden desk. I went outside to my garden with him. I felt free like I had control. He went to sit down in front of our garden house, while I tried to fly. It worked, I was flying around above my garden and the trees behind it. I landed and I tried again. This time, I was more making big jumps than I was flying, and it wasn't as high as when I was flying. I wanted to jump higher but I couldn't. I yelled "higher!" It worked for 1 jump, then I jumped pretty low again. (The jumps still were 3-4 meters high) I asked the fantasy guy what I should do, but I think he didn't answer. I was still jumping, and while I was in mid air, I decided to use pyrokinesis. The fantasy guy had changed in a sheep. I tried to make a circle of fire around him, but instead he ran in circles while there was fire behind him that completed the circle. Good enough. Then I wanted to show my mom the pyrokinesis. She was standing at the door. I had a memory of her saying never to use pyrokinesis as a rookie, because I might not be able to control it and turn the dream into a nightmare. I still did it because I knew I was only in the fantasy world. I made some fire in front of her. She put out the fire. (I was still hanging in the air by the way) There were some other plants also burning, on the other side of the window. I said it because she couldn't see them from where she was standing. She said I had to wait because she can't do it all at the same time. Then I came closer to put them out myself. Here it was already less vivid. The big window was open, it's a window that you can walk through. I saw some fire in our living and started to panic. I said we had to put that fire out first. I woke up. I didn't mark this dream as lucid because it was only semi lucid. I used the words "fantasy world" because I knew what I did there was not real, but I didn't realize that I was dreaming.
20.07.2010Running for the bus (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in my basic school and I went away from there. I went to do something that I forgot what it was. I suddenly realized I only had 10 minutes left to get to my bus. I started running. I noticed that a friend i knew IRl was running behind me, i kept running and then my friend went to his house. I stopped for a moment and I saw him walking through his garden to his door. There was something weird in the middle of his garden. I started running for my bus again. Then I noticed my cousin was running behind me. I yelled at him. Then suddenly he was running in front of me. He ran up some stairs into an open place where a party was going on. I followed him. I knew Only 2 minutes had passed, and I still had enough time left. I ran through the people, and as i entered the place, I could clearly hear the song "seize the moment" play. I ran into someone, he looked angry at me, I kept running. In this dream I had a nice idea of time, and it felt like 2 minutes took forever. Also the distance I ran didn't seem much and the song that was playing was really vivid. The onject in the garden could have been a dispenser from team fortress 2, i played that game the day before. DC's: friend, cousin
19.07.2010Monkey society (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in a big jungle and i tried to make an agreement with the monkeys. First of all, there were 2 kinds of monkeys, huge ones from about 2 meters high, and small ones, maybe half a meter high. I wanted to make sure all the small monkeys were good, so I asked the big monkeys for all small monkeyys to be nice and good. first there was doubt, butafter a while it was ok. all the small monkeys were good now. A while later I was somewhere in the sky, maybe on a small bridge, maybe on a tree branch, or maybe on a rock. I encountered a big monkey. I knew it was angry. I remember lots of green from this dream because it was in a jungle. DC's: none