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    27-5-14 - The (panic inducing) Challenge of a (very long) Lifetime.

    by , 05-27-2014 at 05:02 AM (802 Views)
    I was visiting a friend’s house (someone I don’t actually know in RL) and he opened a door to his bathroom and there was a big flash of fire when he opened a door in the house. A man coalesced from the whirling flames and he walked out into the room we were in. He calmly explained that he was immortal and that he would grant immortality to whoever could defeat him in combat. For some reason everybody knew who this guy was and everyone believed him. I, all of a sudden, had prior knowledge of people who had fought him and lost (even though this guy had only just appeared) and I knew how dangerous he was.
    We were going to fight, there seemed to be some unspoken agreement that this was going to happen. The first rule was you had to go to him in handcuffs as a symbol of your limitations in relation to your life span. You were to arrive fettered and were you to leave you were then a free being without the limitations of death.
    There were five of us arriving at a large house all in handcuffs and we lined up in a semicircle around him at a table in a small dark room with a single hanging light fixture that slowly rocked back and forth throwing shadows around the room like they were dancing. He walked to each of us and touched the chain between the actual cuffs and as I watched they glowed orange and melted off. We were to fight, all of us against him at the same time. I knew from some heretofore undiscovered fount of knowledge that he had previously defeated three men in combat at once.
    We discussed that it wouldn’t be a fight to the death for us but we may die, I remember that that had made me nervous and that I suddenly needed to pee. So I shot my hand up and inquired as to the location of the bathroom. He walked me to a room beyond a hallway behind him and before going to the toilet, I asked “If it isn’t too much trouble can you try and not hit me in the mouth, don’t want to lose my teeth, after all.”
    “Oh, I’ll see what I can do.” He replied as he walked back towards the other room without looking back.
    I finished my business and I put the toilet lid down and I flushed and when it flushed the water sprayed everywhere onto the floor and I remember thinking ‘Oh great, how am I going to explain that I didn’t pee on the floor and it was the flushing toilet making a mess’ I quickly set to cleaning it up with a nearby mop and then washed my hands before heading back out into the small room.
    Everyone had gone, a lady there escorted me into the backyard and I saw that everyone was ready to fight and they were only waiting on me, I took off my jacket and went in stood in line. I then looked down and noticed that I had only removed the right half of my jacket (must have looked like Frank Stallone). I made my apologies and went and removed the other half before getting back into the semi-circle.
    I made a quick suggestion to my fellow combatants, “Let’s not make the same mistake that they always make in movies and let’s surround him and all attack him at the same time. In the movies they surround the guy and then attack one at a time, it’s ridiculous.”
    I got a few nods and then we all set ourselves to commence fighting when I heard a commotion going on behind us. I turned my head slightly so I could see what was happening behind us yet still see my foe in my peripheral vision. There was a girl crying in a tree house. I overheard that her name was Louise and that she had been attacked by somebody, some other people were trying to comfort her. I don’t know who she was but I knew that I had to find out who had done this.

    I suddenly woke up on a bus full of people and all the seats around me had people sitting in them. (A situation I find terrifying in RL) There was people arguing around me and I knew that I had to get off of the bus. I went to press the button but I wasn’t wearing long sleeves and I don’t like touching the buttons with my bare skin. I had to wait for someone else to press it and then get off when they did. A girl sitting next to me had a bowl of green jelly, she wanted to dump it on some guys head who was sitting a few seats in front of us. I don’t know why or how I knew it but it didn’t seem odd that I did. For some reason I was holding the jelly for her when somebody pressed the button and I went to get off of the bus as it stopped before I realised that I was still holding the jelly bowl. I quickly ran to the back of the bus to give it back to her and the guy stopped me and took it off of me because he somehow knew that the girl wanted to empty the contents onto his head. I didn’t have time to care and I ran back to the door to debus and it shut in my face and felt like everyone was looking at me, I didn’t have the guts to actually see if they were because I was so afraid that they would be but something inside me just knew that people were looking at me and it made me so scared and I just wanted to sink into a hole and die.
    The bus pulled up somewhere and I quickly got off as fast as humanly possible, I have never seen it but I somehow knew that it was meant to be Marion shopping centre even though the North Adelaide Aquatic centre was there as well. I looked around in utter confusion when two police officers approached me and slammed me to the ground. They lifted me up off of the ground and asked me what I was doing at the shopping centre wearing only underwear. I hadn’t realised this until he said it and I knew that I had actually awoken like this and that I had actually been robbed of my clothing by someone on the bus while I was sleeping.
    I tried to explain the situation and I tried to reason with them saying that I had been robbed and that I would immediately get a taxi home and that they didn’t need to worry about me because I was going to go straight home and they wouldn’t see me again. They didn’t care. I tried to plead with them that I was on parole and that I would never do anything like this on purpose, I had been robbed!
    They still didn’t care, especially when they saw the remains of the handcuffs still on my wrists that hadn’t been melted off.
    He walked me over to a police station and I sat down and spoke with a woman there and I asked her how long did she think they could hold me for being undressed in public, she just asked how long my parole was, to which I replied that it was four years. The woman just looked away and shook her head. Officer not-so-friendly was talking to someone on the phone, he hung up and sauntered over with a swagger that bespoke arrogance and some deluded form of self-righteousness and said, “Well, it looks like you will need to spend the night in the prison cells, not the police cells.”
    “What?” I replied with incredulity, “The law is that I won’t be breached for any offence with a sentence that has a cumulative punishment of less than three months. I know the law, you can’t do this.”
    The Officer just laughed, it was a menacing laugh, leaning in close and whispering, “Isn’t it just a bit odd that a girl named Louise got attacked yesterday and here you are, almost naked and walking around the area where she was accosted? Rather convenient if you ask me.”
    Everything was happening so fast, my anxiety skyrocketed and I was starting to have a panic attack, All I could think was ‘how am I going to explain this to her, she is going to hate me.’

    Then I woke up all tangled in the sheets and breathing so heavily I had to force myself to stay calm and breathe.

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    1. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I see violence is still a dream sign of yours (with the last two dreams, anyway...)
      Remind yourself during the day that if anything violent is happening, it is very likely to be a dream, so you should do a reality check. I would RC during any conflict or discomfort as well, like on the bus or being around certain people who stress you out.

      It's funny that you had a toilet disaster! I think I've told you that those are my most reliable dream sign. I always RC when I go to the toilet now.

      You also had a couple of classic dream signs/themes - losing teeth and being naked in public.

      Did you know you can use the 'tags' section to list any dream signs, and they'll be arranged in a tag cloud to show you which ones occur the most?
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    2. Cerberus's Avatar
      I would pretty much be a walking, talking RC if I did it whenever there was conflict around my household. I know that losing teeth is common because I have been having that one since I had my front tooth knocked out playing footy 15 years ago.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    3. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      That's one rough game of footsy
      AydanLBastion likes this.
    4. Cerberus's Avatar
      Ha Ha. Admittedly, it was Extreme Footsy.
    5. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Hahaha, I hope it didn't happen playing footsy!! A football/elbow in the face I can understand, but if you actually got your teeth knocked out playing footsy, then you're doing it wrong!
      AydanLBastion likes this.