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    On the right track :)

    by , 04-10-2012 at 02:46 PM (551 Views)
    Last night was the first night I went to sleep with clear intentions of having an LD. But getting to sleep, on the other hand, was not so easy considering I stayed up until 5am. I didn't LD last night, but I had many dreams that, upon waking up, my first thoughts were, ''that would have been the perfect moment to realise you were dreaming!''.

    I remember around four different dreams. One involved being trained by an old man in a town with my cousin; he sends me on a quest to learn skills from someone else and off I go...on a parachute! A good friend of mine tags along, too. We sail through a valley, and I remember thinking that there are mountain lions about...cos, eh, why not! When we pass a river we're attacked by crocs, and that's all i can recall from that.

    Another saw me visit a friend and his brother I hadn't seen in 5 years or more, in RL. The meeting was very awkward, and it started with me pointing out that their pool was in the front garden as opposed to the back. They look at me weird and although they dont say anything, I get the feeling that never had a pool to begin with. We got out to the back and enjoy a nice mean (with lots and lots of bacon, mmm); i try to chat to their mom, who kind of ignores me, and they take me inside to watch a film.

    Another brief dream, which actually started from the one above, but once I woke up and went back to sleep, had a dream focused on this: i found a smartphone, and it had a trailer for a movie on it. I clicked play and it brought me, first-person, into a bathroom where the shower curtains were pulled. When I pulled over the curtains (cos i was there now), there was a girl crying with blood on breasts and when I looked right, her brother was there with clingfilm around his face, smeared with blood, and suddenly a dark figure just appeared behind the brother wioth dried blood all over his body.

    Hmm, I'm a little foggy on the fourth one now...I think it had something to do with TV shows and my friends?

    But, anyways, when I finally woke up today, my first thought was to keep my eyes closed, because I had been reading the many various techniques to induce and LD. So my mind is clearly on the right path, my dream recall has always been rather good, and after each dream I immediately realised where the neon-THISISADREAM reality check would have worked best. I also remembered a lot of internal dialogue I had, question where the pool was thinking that there was danger in the valley, so hopefully that means something.

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    1. Cloudinsane's Avatar
      eeep, sorry for slight spelling/grammar/punctuation mishaps, I sort of just had to throw this out, spellcheck be DAMNED!