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    First successful WILD

    by , 11-25-2016 at 10:24 AM (650 Views)
    Long time no lucid dreams, so I decided to try WILD again. I've always been really bad at it, but why not keep trying. Woke up at 2am and decided to read a few articles from Deep Lucid Dreaming - Wake up in your dreams for a happier, more creative life. Learn how to lucid dream and transform your dreamlife After 20 minutes I put my phone away, lay on my back and started with meditation. Must say this time it felt like ages, I was waiting for my usual hypnagogia to kick in but for a long time, nothing. Then finally the usual stuff started to happen - voices, sentences, scenes.... I remember this fat guy's face showing me some medieval painting... I was excited because I knew that my body was falling asleep. Now at this point I usually fail to balance it and just doze off. But this time I tried really hard.

    First thing that materialized was a cute girl with long hair, wearing khaki shorts and a shirt. She was standing in front of me ... then I noticed I'm waiting in line for something, it looked like a typical american high school. My boyfriend is in the line behind me. No doubt this is a dream. I'm not overly excited, I'm juts pleased with the outcome.

    I'm thinking the girl is really hot and my boyfriend might like to look at her butt too. I grab her, lift her up and put her behind me, so she's standing in front of him now. She has the softest skin and gives me a confused look, but she's smiling.

    Now there are two muscular guys in front of me. They look like twins, only one has blond hair. Immediately as I see them I realize I don't like them one bit. They're all muscles, gel in their hair, I can actually smell their cheap cologne.

    I am normally a very peaceful person. I hate bullying and would never do it. But now, being lucid, I feel like I can experiment. Especially since I find them both so unlovable.

    They are both like two meters tall and they're minding their own business. I push one as hard as I can, he barely even stumbles. And I shout at him (which is SO unlike me) "What's your problem??"

    He turns around (at this point I am really curious as this is probably my first interaction with a dream character where I am fully focused on him) and gives me the same confused look and a soft smile. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me. I don't know why but that really irritates me. Maybe because it's so boring, he's like a dummy.

    And then I start. I pick on them, I say ugly things to them, I'm trying all I can to see how they react and to get even the slightest hint of emotion or intelligence from them. But they just stand there, let me do whatever I do to them, smiling like idiots.

    I remember at one point I pinch one and shout "You like that, bitch?!" No response.

    I proceed to take off their pants, hoping they'll get embarrassed. None of this feels sexual at all, it's just me messing with them.

    So now they stand there with their pants off and the stupid smiles on their faces. I grab the pants and decide to run away and hide them. My boyfriend runs with me. We get home and hide the clothes in our wardrobe. I feel disappointed that they didn't even try to chase us.

    My boyfriend starts folding his own clothes nicely, just arranging the wardrobe and stuff. "I'm so glad we are in my dream and not the guys' dream," I say. Then I get a bit worried, wondering if this is really my dream and not someone else's dream. What if I am a dream character and don't know?

    I look at my boyfriend who's still folding his t-shirts. "Are you dreaming?" I ask. He says he is not sure.

    "Well, what are you doing now?" I ask him again. He looks at the t-shirt in his hands and thinks for a bit and then says "I'm stacking coal. .... I guess that means I am not dreaming."

    I start giggling because I find it so adorable that my dream boyfriend can't tell that he's dreaming and considers stacking coal his usual daily activity. And then, of course, I wake up.
    Patience108 likes this.

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    1. DannyCool's Avatar
      Well done on keep the poise rather than just dozing off. I will practice that too.
    2. Minotaure's Avatar
      Thank you I think reading the deep lucid dreaming web page helped cause it kept me motivated. But honestly, trying not to doze off was really annoying and it felt like ages
      I'm hoping the more we do it the better we get. Good luck! Feel free to let me know if you're successful.
    3. DannyCool's Avatar
      Right on! Ya I gotta stay more alert on the point of going to sleep so I don't loose awareness but still fall asleep. If I wake up during the night I will give it a go.
    4. DannyCool's Avatar
      Did one this morning. It was really fun balancing the energy. I was not tired enough to fall asleep but I will get it the next time.
      Patience108 likes this.
    5. Minotaure's Avatar
      Great, don't give up! I don't know about you but to me it's such a struggle. I tried again this morning and just couldn't do it. Well, next time
      Patience108 likes this.