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    My collection of dream tales

    bass player

    by , 05-18-2011 at 11:33 PM (1001 Views)
    I've had two dreams about basses. the first was after Christmas and I had gotten a guitar instead of a bass and had a dream about a 4 string fender blue bass, without an amp. then I had one last night about me being in a band with a kid from school I know.
    On to complete dreams now. In this dream I was being taken to a daycare with my mom for some reason and there was a weird looking guy there. apparently he was a stalker because later in the dream I got calls from him. The calls were him telling me to go certain places and stuff but I didn't. then I went to sleep in the dream and woke up in a metal room with the stalker saying on an intercom "I AM YOU FATHER" I escaped somehow. then the guy was mad I got away and threatened to kill me and destroy my house. so we had to relocate for a while. (btw the entire time I was a white kid with brown short hair) On the way to the new house I never got to see I saw myself ( my dream self) and I was crying and talking about freddy krueger and how I was hoping the stalker wouldn't burn our house down. he tried to send a meteor at our house from space. then my view switched to the meteor(no longer in dream body just observing) and I watched it until it came into contact with earth. instead of hitting my house it destroyed a comedy club in florida and eddie murphy died instead of me. so we moved back and something happened to the guy and we were safe again.

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    1. jarrhead's Avatar
      Slightly OT:

      I dislike Fender Basses. I had an MIA Jazz for 8 months. Blah. Spector all the way, man!