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    Nothing Recalled

    by , 03-03-2013 at 08:34 PM (713 Views)
    Monday, 4th of March

    I did not recall anything last night, I am slowly getting closer to remembering them I think, it is only a matter of time!
    PennyRoyal likes this.

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    1. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      Write down ANYTHING when you get it.

      When I first started recording mine, some nights I would only have a picture or a phrase spoken by me or someone else. Just stay diligent.

      Have you tried mantra before bed? I finally had some recall last night - I was trying SSILD before bed this week and I wasn't doing my mantra before bed. Last night I told myself as I was falling asleep "When I dream I wake up and remember them" and it's been the first time I got any recall in 4-5 days. I can't say for sure if that's what did it, but it could have helped.
      Phased likes this.
      Updated 03-03-2013 at 08:41 PM by PennyRoyal
    2. Phased's Avatar
      Yeh, I will give that a shot! And thanks for the advice Royal! You have been a big help in all of this, I can't thank you enough.
      PennyRoyal likes this.
    3. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      No problem at all. People on DV have been so helpful to me, I'm just paying it forward.

      When you eventually become a pro, just do the same and we'll call it even
    4. Phased's Avatar
      I plan on doing it! - seems like the circle of life around here, and you feel rewarded when someone gets happy or a good result based off your advice too
      PennyRoyal likes this.
    5. JoannaB's Avatar
      I know you can do it Phased! Don't worry, it will come to you.
    6. Phased's Avatar
      Thanks Joanna!