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    failed flying around gas stations

    by , 05-30-2012 at 01:22 AM (423 Views)

    DILD (nap)

    I was in the passenger seat with Giles driving a car at night. He was really high and decided to not steer for awhile. I grabbed the wheel and yelled at him to drive. He decided not to break either. Someone in the passenger seat reached up to hit the break with his foot. We were coming up to a turn too fast and we needed to break. I yelled, "BREAK!" and then "harder, harder!". Eventually I put my foot over his and slammed the breaks. We turned into a gas station. The car next to us had the cabin exposed from the front. Giles got out of the car, hit the next car, and passed out inside. We tried to get him out as a cop showed up. I dipped out because it was hopeless at that point. He was getting a DUI and I was arguing with some other guy at the gas station.

    I was involved in some sort of tussle when I became lucid. I flew around for a minute and ended up in the back of some car. I take a blue and white lucid pill. I can't swallow it, so I grab some coffee from the front seat. It was pretty gross, and the pill was still hard to get down. I start flying around again with little success. Without any targets to look at, I fly for a bit and then fall back to the ground. Every once and awhile I can see a gas station or restaurant sign and fly to that. But I end up just landing on my stomach, barely reaching the top of the target. Eventually I got to the top of the gas station. I was trying to think of a way to fly better. I took a red and white flying pill and vividly imagined the sensation of flying. I built up my confidence. And....no luck.

    For awhile every I try and fly I hit some black cables that are impossible to see. I will fly out from under an overpass, but for a few yards outside of it, there would be a series of black cables that I would clip, lose my momentum, and then fall to the ground. At some point I am getting chased by two big guys. I keep trying to fly away and failing. Eventually I see a large red mars in the distance. I focus on pulling to toward me, and I can fly. However, as I approached it, it was only like 8 ft. above the ground. I land on my stomach on top of it and pull myself up. They guys are still within reach so I try to fly from my little 6 ft. diameter planet. But when I jump off, it gives and I don't get any launch.

    I find some girl in a gas station and I approach her. I give her a flirty smile and start kissing. She is into it at first. But the I bring my dick into the situation and she refuses. I head back out and try flying around some more.

    After awhile I am around a friend of mine and we are on a beer pong team. I look who we are playing against, and it is that girl. I go up to her again and whisper that we are both hot so we should do this. Again, she is into it at first that then backs off.
    I lose lucidity and start playing BP. They have a normal rack, but we have like 5 cups and 4 bottles of beer stacked on top of the cups. I was wondering how to play with this set up. The girl's teammate said, "It is like an active volcano against a passive volcano." At the time, I understood it as he can't really make our cups because some of them are bottles so we were passive. I lost the dream soon after

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