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    The Golden Token

    by , 05-05-2011 at 11:53 PM (390 Views)


    This one has pretty fuzzy memory. It was made in an attempt for the TOTM (to crash the moon into the earth) and I wanted to meet my DG and have him give me something to give me power.

    I remember needing to do some task where I was wandering around this desert path and entered this underground area with circular hallways and cubicle areas. It seemed like a video game type task that I was doing. I became lucid somewhere in there and first smashed through this giant wall while flying and maintained speed (usually pretty difficult). I landed and walked around and found this chair thing that I wanted to have sex on. It was like one of the motorcycle video games at an arcade. I rounded the corner and found a cute girl. She didnt seem that interested and I didnt persist. I had remembered the TOTM
    I had decided that this would be a very difficult task and I needed something from my DG that would give me confidence. Plus I really wanted to try and find my DG again. When I did, it was a different person than in previous efforts.

    So I walked up the the mouth of this underground area. I was bathroom area that led outside. I stopped and remembered to try and find my DG. I just said "DG, I know you are behind me. I want you to speak." When I heard a voice, I turned around and it was my dad. I thought this was a mistake but he was there again after I tried again. So I said, "you have some token I need for..." and he held it without me finished my statement. It was a golden token that was the size of a two euro piece. It had a giant picture of something on the front that bulged well out of the coin. I think it may have been an eagle or something. He asked me if I knew how to use it. I said yeah and turned around and kissed it as I ran off. It tasted like metal. To fly out now, I needed to enter this giant cylinder that faced up. When I tried to change directions, I fell to the ground. I thought for sure the token would give me the confidence I needed to at least fly well. Disappointed, I laid on the ground for a second and soon I was fading to black and becoming a 3rd person view. My dad said that I was going to lose dream in 3...2...1.. and then I woke up..

    I was very disappointed that the coin did not give me the control I was hoping for. My goal was to have something I could pull out of my pocket in future dreams and help give me power. And I feel like my "DG" kind of forced me out of the dream by counting down. I feel like that defeats the purpose of most DGs...

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    Updated 05-06-2011 at 12:10 AM by 41128

