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    Lucid #206-A Nap and an unstable DEILD

    by , 07-30-2013 at 01:20 AM (403 Views)
    Non Dream

    Last night I didn't have very good sleep or recall due to some emotional stress. All I remembered was a false awakening and a tiny fragment of a dream. That meant though that this afternoon I was tired enough to take a nap. I got lucid! I rarely have lucid dreams along with my naps.

    Lucid #206-I woke up from my nap to find myself on my back with my hands behind my head. I was still in sleep paralysis. I figured I could use this to my advantage to have a WILD. I tried making the ringing in my ears as loud as I possibly could. It worked! In a couple seconds I felt my dream body float right out of my real body. The dream was still unstable though. I spent the next couple minutes floating around trying to stabilize. I tried focusing on my dream senses rather than my real ones. It never really worked. I tried flying out of the backyard and letting myself fall softly on my back on the pavement. Big mistake! I couldn't get up and woke up immediately.

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