, 09-21-2012 at 03:49 PM (427 Views)
After a usual WBTB, I tried to WILD. I think I got close as I couldn't feel my body but I got no vibrations to let me know I was successful. After about an hour, I gave up and went to sleep. I woke up again, this time with my eyes closed and tried to DEILD but was unsuccessful again. I inadvertly went back to sleep on my back not performing any techniques and, wouldn't you know it, got a DILD out of it.
I knew I was dreaming when I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. I was in a dorm room of some sort. I got up, examined my hands as I read in a tutorial and said "stabalize now". After I stabalized, I tried to spin to try teleport myself to work but wasn't successful because I couldn't spin fast enough. It was as if my sleep parylsis was weighing me down. I was looking for a particularly attractive co-worker of mine I don't get to see too much. I walked outside and saw what looked like a receptionist desk. I asked the receptionist if the girl I was looking for was there. She said she was and started to lead me to her. We walked through what looked like a computer room where lots of college age kids were studying. "Here she is!" she said. She directed me towards a computer two ladies were sitting at. After taking a look at the ladies I found the receptionist was mistaken as she had just led me to two random, unattractive, geeky girls. My frustration caused the dream to end.
It seems like I still can't directly perform a WILD or DEILD if I try to. I will have to continue to focus on MILDing and use to former as a backup. It also seems like I have to get out of the room I wake up in before trying to spin to teleport myself.
I think this might be the first time I got lucids on consecutive days! I'll hope for another one tommarow so I could try teleporting again.