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    My first WILD! Lucid#4

    by , 09-20-2012 at 04:01 PM (504 Views)
    Last night began like my last couple nights have. I'd been having a good amount of dreams but my lack of mental focus was keeping me from becoming lucid. After another non-lucid dream (didn't remember much), I decided I just needed more focus in order to get a lucid dream. I decided to try a new mantra I came up with,"Stay relaxed, stay focused, wait for the dream to begin". Trying this mantra, I found it tough to go to sleep because now I was so focused I couldn't fall asleep. Trying to strike a better balance, I used that mantra and then tried to go to sleep with my usual technique. I tried to stay nice and still too hoping I might run into a wild. Let's see: staying still, mentally and physically relaxed, going to sleep, staying focused. I wonder what's going to happen next...

    Lucid #4-
    All of the sudden, my body started heavily vibrating. After a few seconds, the vibrating stopped and as I opened my eyes and found my vision was a bit more blury than usual, I knew I was dreaming. I got up out of my bed and went outside. I tried to transform myself into a seagull, one of things I earlier figured I would try to do next time I was lucid. I was about halfway successful I think. I did transform into a sort of bird but my feet weren't webbed all the way. I flew to a park down the road from my house. I don't completely remember what happened at the park but I know I transformed back to normal as I started to walk around. I wasn't sure what to do at this point. I noticed a girl playing by a large puddle and was tempted to push her in but thought the better of it. I thought about trying a backflip again but figured I would fail again. So, I picked some speed and jumped up to fly again to look around. As expected the surronding neighborhood was a lot more detailed than in lucid #2 as I was flying around the area where I lived. The entire area was more of a pinkish yellow than usual, probably because it was early morning. I was flying in the direction of a golf course where I have played often so I figured I would try golf again. I landed at San Ramon Golf Club on the 15th hole near the approach to the green. I landed and rubbed my hands thinking "I'm dreaming" to stabalize. I picked a spot about 150 yards from the green. I knew how far it was because the wooden yardage markers that used to be there returned. The ground was wet and spongy, probably from the evening sprinklers. I aligned myself to the target and tried to get a club to appear again. "Golf club now!" I shouted. Only this time, there was nothing. At this point I was a bit frustrated and a pit bull approached me. "What are you doing here! Go away!" I ordered. The pit bull bit my leg and wouldn't let go. A couple of seconds later a slightly futuristic looking female dream character, presumably the owner of the pit bull, started talking to me. I didn't remember what she said as most of my attention was on the pit bull biting me. As I started to lose focus, I looked around, probably for help, and noticed a futuristic male dream character, probably the pit bull owner's husbund and a groundskeeper with a leaf blower as my dream ended.

    I didn't think I could WILD but obviously I can! I'm still going to focus on MILDing but it's nice to know I now have a backup method in case it doesn't work. Maybe this WILD success will inspire my to try DEILD once again as my tv habit is really starting to go away for good. In my next lucid dream, I'll try spinning to try to change my enviornment at will. I've been trying dream incubation the last couple of nights but no luck so far. I really need to work on my dream control but that will come with practice I assume.

    Updated evaluation of my dreaming skill (out of 5)
    Lucid dream induction technique
    Dream Control-

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