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    dolphin's dreams


    by , 10-05-2012 at 06:12 PM (729 Views)

    I was not sufficiently prepared for this lucid as it took me a long time to fall asleep so I grew impatient and didn't complete my MILD thouroughly. But hey, it's a lucid so I can't complain! When I woke up I noticed my dad and my step mom were at my house. "What are they doing here?" I thought. I quickly realized they were here because I was dreaming. It looked like they were here to put up decorations for a party, presumably a birthday party for me as my birthday is in 4 days IRL. (I moved around too much during the recall process after the dream so I forgot all of what my dad and step-mom said.) "Am I dreaming?" I asked my dad. As I focused on his answer, the setting changed from my house to their house. "So, when's your birthday?" I asked my step-mom (simultaniously mocking her and testing my subconcious as I don't know her birthday) while hopping up and down 4 feet into the air trying to stabilize. She somehow evaded the question. I noticed the front door was open so I made a break for it. "Ta-ta!" I said. As I went outside the setting changed from their neighborhood to the neighborhood where I grew up. I flew around low to the ground, looking for something to do. I tried diving into the ground to change the scene but I wasn't going fast enough. As I grew a bit frustrated, my dream ended.
    OpheliaBlue and CanisLucidus like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Good job! After reading this, I think that OpheliaBlue is 100% right. Having a goal to work toward would have been perfect for you here. I like having a primary goal and one backup goal, but starting with a primary is great.

      And of course, when all else fails, if you totally forget what the heck you were supposed to be doing, exploration is a lot of fun too!

      Congratulations again on all of your success. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      It can be a lot of fun just messing around with the environment. I did that a lot back in the beginning. Good job on the lucid though. That's great!