• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    School 2

    Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;

    My focus is our local school with a wand, flying and (a body made of good emotion)
    Welcome to the dreams...
    Group: Natalie, Justine, Glitters, Carly.

    I have: Orbited Moon, Seen the center of earth.

    Notes: 1) The pictures get edited down to minies after a few weeks. 2) June I will be adding a section of 5 to 10 favorites from my DJ Archives.

    Current focus: (_____)

    1. DJ Archive

      by , 06-01-2012 at 06:06 PM (School 2)
      Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;

      4; I walked through an old Boys and Girls Club lobby. The way was filled with people slightly older than me. I faced one of the people everyone was looking at. He cackled and I drew my wand in defense. Before I knew it I was holding a powerful jet of light at his throat. In a story line he poured a burst of idea. Chakra and peeing... distracted, and before I recovered strength I was surrounding. A moment later I was being stabbed by a group holding shards of purple crystal and laughing.

      Updated 06-01-2012 at 06:58 PM by 25261

      Tags: old dj
      lucid , nightmare
    2. Notes

      by , 06-01-2012 at 11:53 AM (School 2)
      Let my body rest till 5pm, rested at night, bed at sunset.
      side notes
    3. Notes

      by , 06-01-2012 at 12:22 AM (School 2)
      Sore body, rested a lot. Classroom.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:39 AM by 25261

      side notes