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    First DJ Post

    by , 08-23-2010 at 03:04 PM (578 Views)
    I remember that for some reason, I had to win a debate with Glenn Beck. It was more complicated than that, though. I remember walking through my neighborhood, and at one point, I saw a red go-kart with two college-age students trying to drift down a straight street in front of me. I went south towards a downtown area, and started communicating with friends (I don't know how) over how to break into Prince's house, though I didn't know why at the time. I made a few passes reconning the house, which looked normal, with wood flooring. Eventually my friend broke in, but I was able to watch the action like in a movie. He went down a few carpeted stairs to some carpeted catwalks with golden handrails, like in hotels. He then attempted to get to the ground floor of this hotel-like building, but Glenn Beck was there, because apparently the reason we broke into Prince's house was to get into Glenn Beck's house, and somehow I had come in through the front door, making the break-in unnecessary. Glenn Beck yelled at his face, and we then watched some Glenn Beck show, with footage of me speaking with a cartoon of a rooster in the background, implying I was a cock. At this point I wasn't wearing pants (I know there was something that caused it to happen, but I forget), so I took some of my pants out of Glenn's closet, how they got there I don't know, but on the way to the debate I tried researching flash floods on the internet on the way there because I had seen some storm clouds in the background when I was watching his show. Then I woke up. Quite a vivid dream, especially with the go-kart.

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    1. Hiro's Avatar
      I had to win a debate with Glenn Beck. It was more complicated than that, though.
      More complicated than trying to win a debate with Glenn Beck? I'm afraid that's not possible!

      Anyway, welcome to DV, good luck with your quest toward lucid dreaming!
    2. zebrah's Avatar
      Lol I love the randomness of dreams. You just can't make this stuff up.

      Welcome to DreamViews