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    20 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Hey, it has been quite awhile xD My birthday was actually the day after you left a message by the way and sorry, I am bad at getting on here as often as I should >.<
    2. View Conversation
      Yeah... I never get on here... >.< anddddd fix my siggy if you want it fixed... XD
    3. View Conversation
      Ah, I prefer Japanese with subtitles probably just because I'm used to it. I have seen some [Adult Swim] Bleach before it wasn't bad but I prefer Japanese xD
    4. View Conversation
      Oh, is Adult Swin in complete english?
    5. View Conversation
      Yeah, Bleach does take a while for it to get good. I havent seen any Death Note but I will probably try it out. Is it free or can I get a DVD, I think I have seen it once on TV before. As for LDing I have better luck during school, which I just started today so hopefully I will have more sucess.
    6. View Conversation
      Oh cool, good to know about your social life
      Yeah I like Bleach, unfortunately my favourite character died ;( I also like Fairy Tale. Maybe I will give Death Note a try. I took quite a long break from LD and have just ended my dry spell now so hopefully I can improve How about you?
    7. View Conversation
      Hey Elemetal long time since I have spoken to you. How's it going? I also am into anime, what do you like?
    8. Hey!
    9. View Conversation
      Hey, what password are you using to get into the DVA chat room? It isn't working for me!
    10. View Conversation
      Just wanted to say good luck with the MILD class we're both in!
      It's both of our first times, but I hope you get alot out of it

      Allthe best,
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    About elemental135

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    About elemental135
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    Mary Grace, former alias Autumn. Call me anything but Mary.

    Taking a break from my freshman year of college to work on mental health and a journey of self while working and saving up for the fall. I'm working on rediscovering some of my old interests as well as expanding my horizons. Self-care is very important to me, and I'm trying to grow in my relationships, not only with those around me, but with myself as well.

    Feel free to message me about anything, anytime. I try to be as positive and open as possible.
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    Some things I enjoy include blogging, reading, drawing, and listening to music. I am prone to skepti
    Student, waitress, friend, shadow.
    How you found us:
    After reading a book called "Every Soul a Star," I researched lucid dreaming and found myself here.


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    Recent Entries

    Medical Escape

    by elemental135 on 12-29-2014 at 03:30 PM
    I was in what appeared to be a particularly bland examination room; everything was white or silver, and there was no decor in sight. I was aware that I was there under false pretenses; my brother and father and I had been tricked into a high-security facility that experimented on its involuntary patients. I found the door to be unlocked, and made my way down a maze of identical white hallways littered with medical equipment. Countless doors undoubtedly led to countless more examination rooms, two of which contained my family members, and dozens of white doctors with light-colored hair and long white coats bustled about, ignoring me entirely.

    I managed to find my younger brother in one of the rooms. Despite the labyrinthine layout of the facility, I was able to instinctively move in the right direction. Will and I then searched together for my father, who we found to be looking more than his age, and sickly. He was still able to keep up as we all began our escape.

    We quickly found ourselves in a new section of the building, where the amount of staff around us multiplied and closed doors were replaced by glass looking into large, near-empty rooms, most containing a single table with an unconscious individual lying upon it. Many doctors were observing these rooms, occasionally looking down to scribble notes on a clipboard.

    The increased number of staff combined with the suspicious appearance of our group prompted us to look for disguises. We found a sort of locker room with hangers covering the walls, a few of which held lab coats. We each donned one before continuing onward, but mine had many tiny buttons, and I found myself left behind as I struggled to fasten them. I ran to catch up.

    Time skipped ahead and I found myself in a woodsy area, supposedly the grounds of the facility we were escaping. My family was nowhere in sight, but I assumed them to be safe. I was more concerned with the battle going on around me: many young adults were struggling to fend off otherworldly creatures as they, too, tried desperately to escape. I recall in particular a giant spider - think Aragog - pinning a man to the ground as he cried out for help. Many of these people seemed to know me, and I them, for we called out to each other with updates on the situation. I was told to make a run for it, and ran over a small hill covered with fallen leaves, landing in a shallow ditch. I was confronted by only a small, metal chain fence, easily climbed over. Before I could attempt to do so, however, I found myself awake.

    Beach Community

    by elemental135 on 12-27-2014 at 03:30 PM
    I was talking to some guy I shared a building with about whether to shower before going out that day. In my mind's eye I could see myself, dressed to go out in a brown top, ripped jeans, and boots, topped off with some dangly jewelry, but most importantly I could see my hair, clean and styled into soft, voluminous waves coming down just past my shoulders. I concluded no shower was necessary- clearly I was ready for whatever plans we had.

    I was in an open building with what looked to be bamboo walls. On the first floor, there were no doors, only doorways, and it was quite small. There was a small, unfurnished living area and a short hallway leading to a public ladies' bathroom, with no stalls. Across from the living space was a wooden staircase I assumed lead to the bedrooms of those who lived here, including my own. Through the two doorways leading outside I could see it was a sunny day, and big, bright green leaves hinted at the foliage that undoubtedly surrounded the building. I was aware that a short walk outside would lead me to a beautiful beach with soft white sand.

    A girl was standing near the entrance to the bathroom. She had a heart shaped face and a cheerful demeanor, and though she was wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt and cutoffs, I could see that she had done her makeup and styled her hair into soft little curls. My dream self had some sort of relationship with this girl, and I ran up to embrace her. "Your hair looks beautiful. Who's the cutest thing ever? It's you," is what came out of my mouth when we touched. I like the feeling this gave me - my supposed girlfriend looked so happy, and I think I was too.

    I had to use the dreaded stall-less bathroom. Surprisingly, there were at least a dozen girls in there, some showering, many standing around, and a large number on toilets, all socializing. I joined a line of girls on the toilet and was slightly uncomfortable but almost too amused to care. I then noticed a girl I'd met at my college GSA looking at me. I jokingly said, "Hey! Quit watching me poop, you weirdo," to which she just smiled and walked away.

    When I finished, I wrapped my robe, somehow now my only piece of clothing, around me and started heading upstairs to get ready to go out, even though I had been ready already. The robe wouldn't tie up properly, so I had to hold it with one hand. Having reached the upstairs, I found myself standing on the very crowded beach. I started walking to the right, parallel to the dark waves. Any people I passed didn't seem to notice me. I had to walk under a few rickety old docks and around a good bit of litter. I passed a seagull picking at some trash, and it took great interest in me, my robe in particular. The next thing I knew, it was attacking. I kept swatting and grabbing at it, but only one hand was free, making it very difficult. It was during this excursion that I was woken up.

    Narrow Bridge

    by elemental135 on 05-31-2013 at 03:21 PM
    I was with Hannah in some kind of small stadium full of girls from my school. In the center of the stadium was what seemed like a tiny, treeless island, and the only way to get there was to cross a narrow metal bridge. Hannah and I went over to the island out of curiousity, and many others followed. What we found there was a large group of young children, apparently on a field trip, and a bunch of bushes shaped like Disney characters. We decided that was enough adventure for one day and went back. Almost immediately after we did, the bridge got so crowded that everyone still on the island was stuck. Hannah and I sat and watched as those in charge attempted to sort out the situation.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Anne Marie

    by elemental135 on 05-30-2013 at 05:19 PM
    I found myself in some sort of underground supermarket. I was with a guy friend, who told me that my mom didn't want me buying my favorite chocolate cereal, which I thought was odd. I browsed the store, eventually finding that they offered a wide selection of video games. I spent alot of time looking them over but did not buy any. When I went to leave, I was alone and had decided not to buy anything at all. Where the cash registers ought to be I found a man-sized alligator sitting on a throne of merchandise. I recognized him as the owner. I told him that I was an inspector and that, in exchange for letting me live, I would always give good reports on his establishment. He agreed, somehow communicating without speaking, and sent me off with a tiny turtle to accompany me.

    I returned to the home I had arranged to stay in, where a single woman with a young son was renting out a spare room. The woman directed me to the bathroom and to my room, then left me alone. The bathroom had a rather large shower, and I left the turtle there. I then went to my room, which was at the end of a long hallway, set apart from the rest of the house. I found the room to be the size of a small cabin, and furnished accordingly, with many windows - a bit too many for my liking. I closed all of the curtains and ventured out onto the attached porch. The porch was huge, and, I realized, suspended high up in an unimaginably large tree. Where the porch ended, a net extended many yards off, and contained the framework of two wrecked schoolbuses. I noticed that the porch screen was torn in one place as if some large animal had broken through, and decided that I ought to go back inside before dusk.


    In this dream I started out as a dog, a great dane. I was in a supermarket looking for a westie named Yasho, my dog irl. I found him in a sort of dog training area with a small group of humans I'd not seen before. I realized they were using Yasho to demonstrate the usage of shock collars in dog training, and I began barking and growling in a useless attempt to stop them. Of course, security was called and I ended up knocked out.

    I found myself in the spacious backyard of a mansion. A large group of people was gathered there for lunch. I was rather popular with the guests, and managed to snag a good bit of their food. After lunch, of few of the attendees retreated to the parlor. I sat outside and listened to their conversation. Apparently someone at the mansion was possessed, and it was almost definitely Anne Marie. I did not know who this person was, but she sounded familiar.

    Back in human form, I found myself hiding under a grounded rowboat with about four other people. One of them I knew to be Anne Marie by the pagan symbol she wore on a necklace. She had dark curly hair and piercing black eyes.

    I was with the same group, in a car. It was night and raining and I was driving, which was far from safe. We stopped in a mall parking lot.

    I'm not sure why we went into the mall, but we did, and I seized the opportunity to break away from the group. Anne Marie had basically corrupted everyone, and so I would need backup if I would be confronting them.

    I wound up at my friend Mary's house. She was there with her dad and grandpa, expecting me. We sat on the deck and evaluated the situation.

    Demon Hunting

    by elemental135 on 05-29-2013 at 06:27 PM
    I was in an airport with a group of people - some friends, some not - and we were all gathered around a map of the world. There was some sort of malignant being or force trapped in South America, and in order to defeat it, we first had to release it. We had set a type of bomb that would create a canal from the ocean to our target, as massive amounts of water would be required in freeing it. The bomb would cause alot of collateral damage, however, so we were all taking flights out to various parts of the world to escape the effects of the upcoming blast. A friend and I were the only two headed for California. We all purchased our tickets and then sat together as we waited for our flights.


    I was in a small town with some family members. There were alot of bikers in the town, passing through. I was there because I had heard rumors of supernatural activity in the area. I went to a diner with my dad and found out from some locals that I shouldn't've brought my family. Things had gotten so bad that one of them would surely be dead within a day.

    The town was full of strange-looking animals that were behaving erratically. They were small but violent, and there was one in particular that looked like a cross between a ferrett and a porcupine with razorblades for spines.

    In a dark and strange location that seemed almost like an outdoor fun house, I met a little girl as I was setting up a demon trap. She told me I was going to hell, for some reason, and I felt the need to explain to her that demons were real and that there was one nearby. At some point she left and I found myself talking to a tall man with dark hair. He seemed off somehow, and he asked me what I knew about demons. I told him I knew they were real because I had seen an exorcism before. In truth, I had performed many exorcisms myself, but I didn't want him to know that. I realized quickly that this man was possessed by the demon that was causing deaths and disappearances in town.


    My dad and I met a woman in a swamp who was selling icecream. The icecream she sold came from a bucket that contained any flavor imaginable. I was permitted to look into the bucket, and saw that it contained layer upon layer of icecream, seemingly going on forever.
    non-lucid , dream fragment