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    Dream Recall Oct. 15, 2011

    by , 10-15-2011 at 05:18 PM (365 Views)
    I attempted a WILD, but I'm guessing I ended up unconscious instead at some point. However, I did manage to have a dream that I remember bits and pieces of.

    I remember being in a car with my mom and driving around in a city that I've never seen before but is apparently "home". We pull up into a house (or house-like apartment) and I go on about my normal routine after dragging a large suitcase (three total) up the stairs. My room has a full kitchen in it, which I never noticed before so I went to check it out. It was dark in there, but I switched the lights on. Both light switches didn't work, but the two smaller tabs below the main switch thing did. [I'm kind of amused at how this was a reality check that didn't actually work] After turning those lights on, there was a loud hideous sound that made me turn them off right away and go back to my room. I don't remember much after that particular part, but my cousin had a random appearance.

    Another part of the dream is when I'm in a large building area and I'm surrounded by a great deal of people. At some point, there is an emergency in the entrance where a large abundance of girls run up and try to get in. Eventually they do, and it becomes a mess. And then I'm sitting with a friend in a large group of people and we're all very stone-faced. Some lady who appears to be the leader of the group has a very fake aura and she's white and rich. Dressed in a pink suit. She seems to be telling me and my friend about an issue that they cannot be bothered to deal with, since the majority of the people there are white (I'm assuming this was my social justice interest at work here now l0l). Almost immediately after that, there's a stampede of people flooding the room and everyone takes off and/or is trampled. I'm one of those people who ends up on the floor and unable to get up because of some bitch smashing my legs to pieces. At some point I'm able to get up, but struggling to move around. I find a blue and red ticket on the ground that resembles a Gachapon ticket (it's a Maplestory thing). I try to get to it, but I'm thrown to the ground and (again) trampled by the others.

    Then, at some point I'm in an area that resembles the game that I play, Maplestory. I know this particularly because I was in my own map fighting Persian Cats (a type of pet that isn't supposed to be a monster) in a large net. Other people soon came into my map, some telling me to "cc" or just straight up typing in symbols that made no sense whatsoever (and yet I still didn't gain any awareness). I think at some point I left (but not after gaining an odd ability to see a lot of red dots) and ended up in a setting that was still a 'game' but not one that I'd ever recognize. My mom was there again, saying to me that she'd decided to create a character and play with me. I wasn't too excited for that, but I left through a portal and tried to show her how to do the same. I'm not sure if the first part of this scene happened after this one or not, but that's all I've got for now.

    I'm finding it kind of funny how I'm remembering things that were obviously some attempt to see what was real or not (but not aware enough I guess).

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    dream fragment
