• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Lucid 5

      by , 05-23-2015 at 12:19 AM
      I was in a giant garage, trapped in a repetitive dream spell where i was tormented by armies of demons. It took place in a giant storage room that was a much much bigger version of my garage. I realized i was dreaming through...some unknown mechanism and i was greatful that this one lasted for a very long time.

      I felt powerless for awhile, my punches doing nothing to the demons and their weapons hitting me, but not really hurting me.... In real life i woulda died horribly.... As time went on, i even took the shape of a dragon and tried to burn down their towers and their armies.....sometimes my fire did nothing other times it burned them like over roasted chicken.

      I took advantage of my favorite superhuman abilities. I hopped off one foot and went soaring 20 or more feet in the air landed and hit monsters, after some time i got better at hurting them. I didnt do much in the way of flight because i am sick of flying....i now prefer to jump and land fat away like the hulk.

      I found places with lotsa weapons and armor and found other warriors to fight. It was an epic adventure. I alternated between light onehanded swords and two handers one could only use effectively in their dreams...lol... I defeated many a duelist and it was a blast, but alas like all things, even the most epic of adventures do come to an end.