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    Extra Lives

    9 Sep 2012 - Womp womp

    by , 09-09-2012 at 06:10 PM (384 Views)
    [I've been trying to achieve an AP, OBE, or LD. All seem cool, but I've only ever LD'd before. After spending 2.5 hours in a weird state of sleep / not-sleep, I gave up on the AP attempts and just fell asleep. The dreams I had were fun, but I hardly remember them now.]

    1. There was a girl in the road and she got hit (?) by the car I was in, but I think I was sitting in the bed of the car. She just hurt her leg a bit, and I was initially upset at her for being in the road. Then I took pity and helped her hobble out of the street by letting her put her weight on my right shoulder.

    2. I had a job at a front desk (that was located in the back of a house or something). I was supposed to work the register for a car wash (?), but I didn't know how. A guy comes in and wants to pay his bill and hands me cash. I ask him his name, and he tells me (I forget it. Started with a J maybe??), but I can't find his name on these little yellowish 3x5s that the company uses. My only thought was to put the names onto the computer so the boss would be happy, and my job would be easier. I didn't know what I was doing and I just kind of fumbled around with the cards flipping through them for a while before the dream ended.

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