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    Lucid Dreaming

    by , 07-20-2011 at 05:10 AM (1146 Views)
    I am in strange room where i saw a snake.I climb on a table.Then snake's head cut off automatically.I realize this is dream.I quickly stablize by rubbing my hands.Then i start to breath with pinching my nose and i think of passing my hands through wall but i couldn't.I then jump into opposite wall and get to other side by breaking the wall.I think how dream world is different from real world so i start observing and i see ponds,trees,mountains,clouds.It was not too different from real world. i see my brother coming i start convincing him this is a dream.i show him me flying.I then make sun rises with my hands.After that i take a door and enter into a place where children were playing little games i took a basketball and eventually i woke up

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    1. ty4TheAdventure's Avatar
      Nice job! Personally, I have a lot of work to do with my own stabilization, but I'll find a way to successfully stabilize!
    2. francis148's Avatar