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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. The longest dream I wish I'd never forgotten

      by , 05-11-2012 at 02:19 PM
      ...but I did. There was a dream involving long travels, and giant halls, and... air vents crawling with politicians. I was walking from tree to tree on unstable bridges whilst dodging swarms of enemies.

      In semi-sleepy state, I had a ''dream'' where I was in a cinema. Shinpachi (the glasses-guy from Gintama) stands up. Everyone does the same. He puts his cellphone next to the screen/stage. Everyone does the same. Suddenly everyone are standing where they once stood, their cellphones still in their hands.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. School of nonsense

      by , 05-09-2012 at 02:11 PM
      Dream 1
      Working in groups at school. Lots of I get appointed to something, somewhere.
      Dream 2
      Walking towards school with a friend and someone else. Some weird UI-screens pop up in front of me as we talk about how ''sick'' it was that someone had been invited to some clan in some game (led by none other than ''that guy'' residing in every online game ever, with lots of X's surrounding his name). Nature calls for my friend, and he steps away to pee. Just then, the other guy accompanying us starts running for the school, trying to lock us out. My friend runs after him with his pants down, as I shout ''No, no, no!''.
      Piss everywhere.
      Dream 3
      I show a friend a comic I found on the internet. It's a goblin standing in a barn when all of a sudden, Spiderman pops up from the hay. The prick just keeps blabbering on about its faults. I respond: ''The real problem here is that otters only have three hails and would've easily been twice as effective had they gotten three tails.''
      Just then, someone comes up to us with a trophy-shaped clock and wants me to press it. I just stand there confused, listening to the noise it's making. Then I wake up. Seems like it was my alarm clock going off.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Stress + lack of sleep = fragments/nothing

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:56 PM
      Dream fragment
      I've been reading an excerpt from George Orwell's Animal Farm earlier, and I dreamed about the CIA being pigs/teletubbies. Fancy that.
      Dream 1 (2?)
      At a 7/11-esque boutique with timetables hanging on the walls above the entrance. A voice introduces the following segment by yelling in quite a dramatic fashion: ''how crows saved the world!''. Seconds later, an infinite amount of crows come flying out of the timetables, trashing the entire place in an apeshit rampage.
      The only question here is whether my brain is a closet pot-smoker or not.

      Updated 05-08-2012 at 11:17 PM by 54266

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. The vast lands of holy baseball bats

      by , 05-04-2012 at 11:33 PM
      With my sleep pattern being way off, this ended up becoming a fragmented trip between REM/Deep sleep.

      The dream
      I was fooling around, gazing at a glorious, green landscape with a loveably resemblance to the Earthbound-series. 16-bit buildings and hills were popping up in the distance as I ventured forth with my party (consisting of anywhere between 4-10 people at different occasions). Somewhere into the dream, we reached a white, long staircase stretching towards the sky, and we started climbing it. At the top, shiny weapons awaited us in the form of kitchen utensils and sports gear. I (or at least the character I was controlling/observing, a small guy with a red cap) grabbed the baseball bat, and not long after, the team was engaged in battle. On a conveyor belt. In a... Japanese shrine/dojo/fighting arena? The entire fight happened one-on-one in two dimensions, à la Super Smash Bros, and ended up with me hitting a guy dressed in tinfoil so hard that he entered the third dimension when he soared off the stage.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Garage

      by , 05-03-2012 at 11:56 PM
      Dreams (weirdly knit together)
      Me and my grandmother are working with some boats in a garage/workshop that's located inside a schoolbuilding (my current school, to be precise). Nothing of interest happens, but the scene just randomly changed from this garage to my childhood home, and to the city. I believe they're seperate dreams that I only remember fragments of. In the garage, we're discussing politics, and there are envelopes with all the political parties available to vote for spread across the floor. I try hiding my vote for the socialist party, due to the aforementioned relative being a stalwart right-winger. In the background, ''Deutschland über alles'' is playing for some obscure reason, and I really wonder why. I get no proper answer, though, only gibberish.

      I get more or less kidnapped by my own father and taken to the city, where my cousing also arrives by scooter. There are several political stands in the area. We return to the school/garage/workshop, where there now is a smaller boat laying on it's side. A large fishing boat is inside. My little brother is present too. Lots of gibberish ensue.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Fragments everywhere!

      by , 05-01-2012 at 12:53 AM
      Really weird stuff going on. I had some really light sleep, resulting in lots of fragmented, short dreams.

      Dream 1
      I'm somewhere tropical (Spain, I believe) with some family members on a vacation. Cruising around in a cab, I see buildings made of dark, polished stone with swimming pools inside. I participate in a competition with a friend.
      Dream 2
      Some people looking like they're from South Park are acting out random stuff in my garage. I sit down with my (2) friends and encounter a kid whose mother has serious drinking problems. My parents walk straight in and start shifting the placement of the furniture. They decide the new placement by throwing random ping-pong balls around. A girl picks up the TV. A little while later one of my friends is sitting in a van, regretting that he ever set his foot at our place.
      Dream 3
      I'm sitting at an outside café in a village nearby. It's situated at the same spot as a (barber)shop currently is. As I stand up and start walking, I notice a homeless person without arms and legs just lying on the floor, moving his head around.
      Dream 4/5
      Two dreams more or less glued together. I'm in what looks like a pharaoh's tomb, filled with gold. At the same time, I'm here to fix the computer/distribution board of the ''house''. Two girls are playing some terribly shitty music in the same room. When I leave the tomb, stepping into the living room to take my leave, I encounter a bald man lying in his sofa/bed. Just then, a blonde woman enters the room. We greet eachother before I head for the corridor and leave the house. (and the dream)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Swimming in the northern sea with a terrible recall

      by , 04-25-2012 at 07:07 PM
      Valve is releasing a Titanic-Soldier-Update for Team Fortress 2. A quite talentet artist is illustrating it. (I remember a painting with the Soldier standing in a wrestling-stance of sorts)

      There's a giant swimming contest going on in the cold, blue, freezing sea filled with floe and icebergs. Everyone's Countryballs representing... well, countries.

      In the middle of it all a dream character tells me that this is a dream, and that he's using everything in it to extend it. I derp my way through it without second thought.
      non-lucid , dream fragment