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    ~ Frishert's Dream Chronicles ~

    9-8-2010 | Guitars, Ghosts and a Zip-archive

    by , 08-09-2010 at 09:36 AM (634 Views)
    Comment Dream Lucid Dream

    Yesterday my recall sucked, today it blew me out of the water. I remembered up to 4 dreams (fragments). No lucids though, but I don't care (more or less ;p). This is progress anyway. Here goes:

    I'm at a seminar of my old guitar teacher. He invited a couple of his best students to record a DVD with him and learn a couple of songs and techniques along the way. We all had to follow a certain course in which we could choose between two songs, play one of them and when we did so correctly we could move on to the next two songs. For some reason, he had decided to visualize the course outline like this, with two piramids:

    We all started out on the right and could choose between song 1 and 2. Then you move up to 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and so on and so forth. I first tried song 2. It was an acoustic guitar song accompanied by me singing (song doesn't actually exist). My performance wasn't actually that bad, but the intonation of my voice dropped a bit at the end. I knew that, because halfway the performance I transferred to another version of me listening in the audience. Because my intonation dropped, the teacher said it wasn't good enough and I decided to go for song 1 anyway: Heart's Crazy on You.


    In my second dream I stood behind the counter at a restaurant and I was supposed to pass out french fries to anyone who would want to have them. A gorgeous lady walked up to me. Red dress and lipstick, dark hair, big brown eyes. Stunning. I looked her in her eyes and repeated a mantra in my head. I remember kicking myself in the head (figuratively ;p) because it should've been "I am lucid dreaming", but I kept repeating "Don't pay attention to the floor". Weird. To make matters worse, the lady was apparently a psychic and able to read my mind. She asked my why she shouldn't pay attention to the floor and I told her the floor was dangerous because of its colour (I genuinely believed that, though). I gave the woman her fries and she went away. And I didn't become lucid.


    I was waiting at a hatch with my instructor. We're in an old building made of metal and steel, rust and algae are running up the walls. It smells a bit. The instructor tells me that at the other side of the hatch are ghosts. It's the garbage dump of wherever we are and the ghosts are attracted to the trash we dump there daily. I have to go in though, so the instructor gives me some pills that are to make sure the ghosts don't come for me as soon as I enter, they apparently love human meat. The pills only work for a given amound of time, though.
    I take some pills and climb through the hatch. The other side looks just as metallic and rusty as where I just was. I can indeed see some zombie-like figures wandering about, but they don't come after me. Whew. Time to go search for what I am initially here for: a lost Zelda II cartridge. After I've looked around I was able to find only a couple of cartridges with parts of the game on it, but not in it's entirety. I remember that was obvious, because the cartridge had been split up in several parts, because it was just like a zip-archive.


    In my last dream I found myself again at the garbage dump. This time I was much deeper in, together with someone else. This part of the dump looked like an old, neglected city, but still as rusty as ever. We were in trouble. The pills would almost lose their effect and to top it all: Voldemort was coming for us. We hide, but Voldemort still manages to find us and kills my friend. He doesn't even look like Voldemort, by the way; glasses, brown scruffish hair and a bordeaured polo shirt.

    Obviously I am more than happy with this amount of recall . I do wonder where my mind gets all the references from though. I haven't read HP in 3 years now and never even played Zelda II O_o

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