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    [Lucid Dream] Another Day Another ToTM and ToTY

    by , 10-03-2018 at 07:55 PM (825 Views)

    November ToTM (Task of the Month) and Jack the Giant Killer ToTY 2018 (Task of the Year) Combined

    ~ Dream #1 ~
    100% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
    Approximate Dream Time: About one hour

    Dream: A chilled, steel blade felt cold on my back. I had no scabbard to hold the sword, so it was strapped to a belt on my back. I felt the ice cold around me, cold enough to feel warm. The moonlight was glowing, and the stars shining. A clear night with a few small clouds in between. The place smelled of cold clean ice, and torches illuminated the area of a nearby town. I walked to the town and a group of people were gathered together in the middle of the night. I asked how I can help them, and they spoke of a large giant that comes out every month to take their gold. However they didn't have any gold, so the giant took one of their families every time he came. Stomping, crushing, and destroying entire houses with families inside. So many people scared for their lives, stayed outside when the time is near at the end of each month. The giant with brown cloths was coming towards the village. I slashed my sword upwards, also bringing my body higher. I was heading towards the giant, and I had to be quick so that the villagers would be safe. The giant grabbed my entire body, so I was unable to move. I struggled to move out of his tremendous grip. I pulled myself out, and I launched foward towards the giant's heart and pierced it with my steel blade. I held on tightly. The giant started to slowly fall to the ground, and it was over. I was triumphant in my task. I whipped up a broom and flew back towards the village. The breeze was chilled, and I had my eyes closed most of the time on the flight back. But snow started to fall, and it was beautiful. I eventually reached the village, and everyone was wondering what has happened to the giant. I told them that I have defeated the giant and they do not have to worry about it anymore. One woman came up to me, and offered her gold coin to me as a reward. I said, "No thanks, I do not need your money." I took out a small bag with gold coins that I've taken from the giant earlier, and I gave it to the villagers. I smiled as I went on my way to the mountains.

    Extra: I started off in an area very famailar to me. It was the video game Overwatch, and the area seemed like the map called Nepal Village. I didn't notice this until I woke up after the dream ended.

    dreamphibian and spellbee2 like this.

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    1. GordanFreeman's Avatar
      I'm really interested, what you mean by 40%,60%,100% lucidity. On what scale are they?
    2. Gaea's Avatar
      I'm really interested, what you mean by 40%,60%,100% lucidity. On what scale are they?

      It's mostly a copy from my previous posts, but let me explain. That is how lucid/aware I am of the dream. 50% would be semi-lucid or you're kinda aware that's its a dream but still unsure. A 10% dream would be blurry and not rememberable as much as a higher percentage.
    3. GordanFreeman's Avatar
      So is your own personal scale, not something universal?

      Second question
      How your WILD's are longer than real life? Mine are like 30 minutes there, 30 here. They are always in real time.
    4. Gaea's Avatar
      So is your own personal scale, not something universal?
      It probably could be universal, I think of lucidity as a gradient scale, and some people might agree with me. Some people might think lucidity is black and white, it depends on your and what you experience
      Second question
      How your WILD's are longer than real life? Mine are like 30 minutes there, 30 here. They are always in real time.
      Time Dilation. It is possible to bend time in your dream to spend days or even years inside of a dream. It would be considered a form of dream control.
    5. GordanFreeman's Avatar
      I know what Tīme Dilation is, but I'm not talking about that. Most people here did not notice that, WILD is totally different form of lucid dreaming. There are some laws that apply only to WILD, but not to the other types lucid dream. One of them is that there is no time dilation. Time Dilation can be a type of dream control, but can be the opposite as well. Like a loss of lucidity for a given amount of time. Next time when have a Wild don't let go of dream by yourself, keep it stable as much as possible. You will be amazed of what can happen. There is no time limit for WILD, aka Rem periods. Beyond these Rem periods the interesting things happen ;)
    6. Goldenspark's Avatar
      Hi Gaea, congrats on your LDs. I'm also interested in your time dilation experience.
      How do you know that the real time was 10 minutes and the dream time was an hour? The dream time I can sort of understand, because that can just be what it feels like in the dream, but the real time?

      Also, Gordon, why do you think WILDs are different..... for everyone? The limited WILDs I've had are very similar to non-WILDs.