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    1. False Awakenings

      by , 06-04-2014 at 04:34 PM
      Man these false awakenings are annoying, and they're seemingly happening when I'm staying awake too late and waking too early. Saturday morning was a collection of one false awakening after another when I stayed up late to watch a poorly bird, and then 4 hours later woke up to check on him when he died in my hands. The dreams then went as so...

      Dream 1

      Me and my husband were in hospital. I was waiting for an operation for something and he was being operated on because his ding-dong was making a rapping sound like a door knocker when he jiggled it around. I was then woken up hearing the birds in the bedroom making a lot of noise and I sleepily said to my husband about the birds going ape in the room.

      False Awakening 1

      I had gone back to sleep at that point but in my waking dream I was having more difficult talking and sounded very drowsy as I uttered the words "pen*ses knocking like a door knocker" (according to my husband when I finally was awake I never said anything like that to him but I did mention about the birds.)

      Dream 2

      We had moved house again, this time to Hazel Grove, and I entered a house through its side entrance. I walked into a beautiful kitchen decorated with old-style mahogany furnishings. There was a spread of christmas food on a table, candles, and a small christmas tree beautifully decorated with victorian decorations and brightly coloured lights. I decided to redecorate the tree with my own decorations, but it didn't look nearly as good. I walked into the hallway which had green/white wallpaper and dark brown dado railings, the stairs and railings were made of dark wood. I opened the front door to a sight of christmas lights everywhere, and across the road was a house with a fantastic light display of a giant star which took my breath away. I then went into the front room, it was cosy and antique looking with dark wooden furnishings and a coal fire, decorations everywhere, and the biggest christmas tree I had ever seen with loads of lights. Then I saw the pile of wrapped presents on the floor and realised to my horror they were for the previous owners. I suddenly realised they hadn't moved out and decided I'd best leave before they thought they were being burgled. I began to leave the house when I heard the stairs creek. I knocked on the kitchen door carefully pulling it open and peeking through to a young man in a dark red and black tartan dressing gown carefully tip-toeing down the stairs and a scared look on his face. I began apologizing and he told me I wasn't supposed to move in just yet.

      False Awakening 2

      I dreamt I had woken up again and once more uttered the words about the ding-dong knocking like a door knocker to my husband lying next to me.

      At this point it was now hard to tell what was reality and what was false awakening as I continued to have dreams of me trying to say something to my husband or taking my asthma spray, but when I eventually did wake up for real he wasn't even in bed. He was already dressed and had been awake for at least an hour and was popping back into the bedroom looking for something.

      This morning I was awake until 2am before I went to bed. I was utterly exhausted.

      Dream 1

      I decided I wanted to play A Tale In The Desert again, but I wasn't too fond of paying the overpriced subscription. I noticed people were tearing down buildings and began to move their guild house. I asked in a channel where there was any European players. One guy said his guild was European mostly based in the UK, it was the guild that was tearing itself down and moving to a better location, so I began to follow them and asked to join with them.

      Dream 2

      I was in some kind of hospital or nursing home. I was supposed to just be visiting, but after I found my room I started to get a very painful headache. I left the room and was asking for help. Some nurses saw I was in distress and were trying to help me.

      False Awakening 1

      I had woken up and discovered a disaster had occurred in the night. A water pipe was leaking water like a tap in the bedroom by the window and my husband jerry-rigged some jugs to collect the water, but they were now full and were out of position and he had gone to work so there was water all over the place. I managed to hook the pipe so that the water would flow outside, but it was spraying water to the next door garden. I tried to bend the pipe so that the water would run into our garden and straight into a drain grid. A female neighbour from next door was on her way out and she was getting water all over her. She thought I was playing a game so she pulled out a water hose and was about to aim it at me. I told her it was accidental and that I couldn't stop the pipe from leaking.
    2. Nothing Interesting Yet

      by , 03-06-2014 at 03:07 AM
      Past few nights have been uneventful. Some nights I've tried to lucid dream and some nights I got fed up trying. My dreams have been very uninteresting and uneventful. The only one I can recall was the one I had last night. I was trying to get disability aid for my condition and I had a solicitor at my house, only it wasn't my house. I knew that if I was to pass the test to prove that I was unfit for work I would have to do more than just talk about my condition, so I offered to make a cup of tea. I went into the kitchen and did my usual of lifting the kettle with 2 hands and wincing as the weight of the water hurt my wrist and fingers like it does. I was also wincing opening the door as it appeared it had gone into my arms in the dream, and as I went to sign a piece of document I was unable to grip the pen to write it, almost like I was the other day when I was signing a registered delivery. I told them I had fibromyalgia in my hands and it was difficult to write. The dream ended with me unable to recall anything else being said.

      I knew this was reflecting how I felt about Atos forcing people into work and when I checked if I was eligible for DLA or something similar they only offered aid to people who were incapable of taking care of themselves or unable to walk. I'm not that bad but I got fears one day I'll try to leave the bed and I'll be in agony all over and not able to move a muscle.