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    Gothic Fighter

    17th of August 2009

    by , 06-09-2010 at 05:43 PM (292 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by Gothic Fighter View Post
    17th of August 2009
    Carpet in the Room(ND)
    I am at my grandparents playing with an actor which was supposed to be my dad and my sister. We are in a room. In it there is a string and on top of it there is a carpe. Around it we are playing a game that looked like hide and seek. After a time somebody did something or heard and we are all terrified. End of dream.

    Dad on the phone(ND)
    I am talking with my dad on the phone while standing in front of a shop with lots of stuff the I wake up.

    The Sea Shop(ND)
    I am in a grocery/vegetable store somewhere outside. I want to make some money so I show my business part of me. I start making some food or just selling. (Gap) I am in the sea, far from the shore. I start swimming until I’ve reached the shop. After a while, a DC which actually sold products found a bad egg. She was very scared and she told me to get out of here because a food control could ticket us (don’t know the right word). The scene changed and I’m in front of a shop (present IRL). A cop car gets past it. A friend of mine has a bike. He asks me to come with him at a football game. I see that the front wheel of my dream bike is deflated. I tell my friend to wait for me so I can go up in my flat and inflate it back. I go home, I get a pump and I inflate it. When I get down I notice that I’ve left it home and I have a needle in my hand. I tell my friend to wait for me. (Gap) End of dream.

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    Updated 06-09-2010 at 05:46 PM by 27358

