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    Gothic Fighter

    19th of August 2009

    by , 06-09-2010 at 05:45 PM (312 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by Gothic Fighter View Post
    19th of August 2009

    Air Ads(ND)
    I’m at my grandparents and something big is about to happen at a time. I look up towards the sky, which is full of strange shapes, ads, planets, clouds, stickers and lots of other things. End of dream.

    Clean Up The Trails(ND)
    I am in a truck filled with animal $h!t which leaves a big trail behind. There is another boy in the truck. (Gap) Two tourists that came to the sea were lost and then found. I see some kind of canyon which leads to the beach then I and my mother are supposed to guide them to the city. (Gap) We are in a restaurant. I exit on the front door, where a big couple is entering in. Outside is some kind of waiting space with some rounds of chairs. On one chair I can see some eggs in a bag or that thing where you put eggs in. End of dream.

    Try To Survive(ND)
    I’m in a house where I am playing some kind of survival game. There is a guy with a pen or knife stuck in his eye. The view and scene changes, now I’m looking from ground level. Now if I look at an object I can read info’s about it, just like in a video game. End of Dream.

    Magic Trick(ND)
    I’m at my grandparent’s house, in the veranda. Outside, at the oven I see my mom and near her is sitting her friend. She is talking to mom. My little sister is outside but closer to me and has some kind of magic toy trick. She puts some needles in a ball or heart and they come on the other part. I notice that that’s no trick and the needles are actually passing through. After that I’m playing the guitar and I’m singing after which I wake up.

    The Black Cat(ND)
    It’s a sunny day and I’m walking by a big building with glass windows. I look ahead and I see a beach. I’m at the sea. On the beach a guy is inflating a floating toy that looks like a wheel. The scene changes and I am in a park with my mom. On a pile of wood planks is a black cat or a warning sign with a black cat inside. Suddenly we freak out. We hop in a black car and we flee. We are followed by two guys with guns. I am watching the scene from the top, like I am in a police helicopter. The car is speeding on the highway. We avoid the cars but we need a faster car. We get down and steal a cool sports car. After racing on the highway, we stop in a supermarket’s parking lot. The guys finally reached us. One of them has a gun which he uses and shoots somebody. I am scared and I try to run but I wake up.

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