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    Dreams of Hash

    August 3

    by , 08-03-2011 at 07:18 PM (427 Views)
    Went to bed 12:30
    Goals: MILD, WILD, Stabilize
    IM in a big vidoe game city wiht mutli levels, in elder scrolls. Im looking for an argonian with dao in his name. I rem someone saying they were in the dark brotherhood as well as some other factions.

    8:45 Was at school getting a drink of water from the water fountain, there is this thug looking guy behind me in the line, i finish and start walking away, i bump inot him knocking him down. His face turns really red and he says something, i think bitch. He gets up and i think changes to someone else. I walk with them down an empty bright hallway. I start to say something but before i finish the guy says yeah, lets walk down to the principals office, although i dont rem this being what i wanted to ask.

    *Had a dream, from what i rem took place mostly in the hallway of the house. There is a dude in the hallway, looks like the thug dude from the other dream. The doors keep switching in the hallway and lead where they arent supposed to. Me and my sister, possibly my bro are trying to get into my bros room but the doors keep changing and we dont have time to figure it out becaue the thug dude is trying to fight us. I just rem finally getting in the right room and the thug guy comes in after me. I just rem getting ready to start throwing some kicks at him.

    10:11 HAd a dream that im at the beach with many random dcs, in the dream i am able to shift my awareness from one body to another and for some reason i have two bodies. With one body i am down over the water but not in it, i am kind of far out but still pretty close to land. There is some kind of ride that takes everyone really high in the air and far out over the water. My other body is hanging from this but not in the ride, it is several hundred feet in the air swinging from a white rope.

    I hear a random dc talk about what would happen if i let go and flew into the city, instead other body lets go and goes flying way out into the ocean, I think jessica is there and she says something like, thats in the god area of the ocean. I rem considering whether i should switch my awareness to my other body or not, i decide not to because i dont want to endure such a long swim, i decide to just wait in this body for the other to get to shore. Everyone starts leaving the beach and it gets really dark outside, i keep looking at all of the dcs in the water, trying to spot other body, but i cant find it anywhere, just still water.

    Everyone leaves except one dc, he or she is trying to get me to leave too, just as im about to i see a girl get out of the water with a blue like surfsuit on. She runs over and picks something up from the sand, in the dream i no longer think of this as my other body but now just my friend. I turn away from the other dc and climb down running back to the beach. The dream skips ahead a bit and now the swimmer is jessica, we go to my room and she gets ready to tell me about the epic swim. Dont rem much else.

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