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    Dreams of Hash

    July 20

    by , 07-20-2011 at 03:56 PM (414 Views)
    Went to bed 12
    Goals: Detailed recall
    I rem seeing a pink blankett spread across the floor to be used like a bed. I rem thinking about it as if i had been using this for a bed for a while. I know in the dream that last time i used it there was a spider that got lost on the blanket somewhere. I start to look closely at it and i quickly spot a small dark brown spider.

    *Just rem talking to my sister.

    6:20 I just rem sitting against a wall in the living room and seeing someone pretend to stab someone else. This made me laugh in the dream. It was like two teenage kids and they were on the other side of the room.

    8:07 Have a flash of being at school, outside in between two buidings. In the dream its supposed to be college but it doesnt look like any specific schools ive been to. As i walk from one building to another, i suddenly become a bit more aware than before. I really start paying attention to some classical music being played by a few, i think two, people outside. I see one playing the cello, didnt get a good look at the other but i assume they were playing the violin. I began walking, now listening to the music and trying to immerse myself in the moment. It was very beautiful.

    While doing this that guy matthew s walks up and i start talking to him. I asked him, are you conscious of this music, as i looked over to the musicians. He said no, as we walked inside. I belive at this point he turns into alexis. We walk in and we are in like a cafeteria type of building. To my right that guy jade is talking to everyone on a microphone. Me and alexis start heading in the other direction. Jade begins to say something like, oh i know them. We turn around and he is pointing to me and alexis and then also includes a tall blonde guy to my right, in the dream i think it was supposed to be nathan from middle school. Me and alexis say, yeah we all went to stevens. Dont rem past this.

    *I rem my brothers friend wayne visiting. When he got here i was doing something but i cant rem. I rem most of the dream i am standing in the backdoorway holding it open, half inside and half out. The same classical music from the previous dream is coming from somewhere either outside or inside. The house doesnt look exactly right and the backdoor seems to be on a different wall. I rem my wayne asking if we were gonna smoke some new weed. I say yeah as i pick up two fresh buds, i dont want to use these though so i go inside and try balancing them on the side of some clay pot. I try to balance it so that the bud is leaning against the clay, with the stem in the dirt.

    When i go back to the backdoor, i see my brother, rachelle, sister and wayne all outside, the deck now looks like its under construction and there is the frame of a new room but no walls. They are all crowded together passing a joint. Dont rem much else

    9:30 Flash of showing up at a hotel with my sister. We have our room key and head down the hallway towards the room. The room is the second one on the first floor and is right next to the lobby. The walls are painted a light blue. MY sister opens the door, i realize that because we are right next to the lobby we probably wont want to smoke inside. I tell my sister i will just go for a drive if i need to, when i say this i imagine driving. Im like watching my imagination at this point, i see a highway and its nighttime, the highway glowing ornge from street lights, i rem seeing a police car pulled over, and then considering what i would do if that happened.

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