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    Dreams of Hash

    July 28

    by , 07-28-2011 at 03:49 PM (420 Views)
    6:20 Rem my sister asking me somethign and me rudely saying no.

    8:33 I rem being in the backyard with my sister and brother, we are playing some kind of game where the buildings back there are supposed to be houses or like forts we own. I rem my bro being in some kind of building in the middle of the yard, i go up to lissa and she says she owns two houses, when im talking to her my bro throws something at us, its kind of heavy, he does this randomly during the dream like its part of the house game.

    I walk over to the shed planning to use that as my base. I walk around the corner of it out of sight hoping that i can surprise them and get some throws in. I turn around though and my bro, i think he changes to random dcs at times, runs up behind me. Next i rem being in the center of the yard and just throwing something back and forth, i think at this point it is a red dodgeball, i am like jumping and falling to the ground in order to doge throws and throw it back, i rem once my bro catching it in the air, i wonder if this counts as a point for him, he throws it back and i try to do the same but miss it.

    9:23 i rem being on vacation at some hotel, and i want to go swimming. I rem asking my family if anyone wants to go but no one does, my sister starts pulling out this old school game twister, i try to get her to go but she doesnt want to, i say that game is lame, im going swimming as i leave. Outside i notice we are not on the bottom floor, there are two soccerballs on the ground, a dude runs up the stairs and goes straight down another set, another dude runs up, he has a muscle shirt and red hair, he stops and turns around, in the dream i think hes going to get one of the soccer balls but instead he starts talking. He says something about his clothes.

    Next thing i know im down in the pool. The pool area is huge and there are two large pools. One of them is on a balcony looking out over the other. Im in the one on the balcony, there are a bunch of little kids playing and i rem a dad with his kids. Down in the lower pool they are playing catch, the ball edns up on the balccony on the far side of the pool, i swim over to get it, i do just as a little kid runs up the stairs in dark blue, i toss him the ball, the ball is dark blue with some rips in it.

    The dad starts to play catch with his kids, when i am looking away i get hit by the ball, it bounces and floats behind me towards the group of little kids on the balcony. I jump backwards splashing into the water and trying to grab it at the same time. When i splash all of the kids start screaming playfully. I get the ball and throw it back to the dad, i rem him being a really big black dude. Dont rem much else

    *Just rem getting ready to watch a music video, i cant rem what the music was but in the dream it was like it was a song i had heard before, Im watching my comp screen, it says xbox 360 and then the name of the song. The video starts and now im in the video. I rem the song completely blowing me away. In the video i am on one side of a bridge and there are woods everywhere. When i look around i see various buildings and structures from xbox games, the only one i rem though is a large castle in the middle of the woods, looked like something out of oblivion.

    *Had a dream that my dad had made some food, he had made sausage and stuff like that. I just rem starting to eat it and then like halfway through i realize im eating meat. I quickly put it up when i realize this and then start to think about it. I rem wondering if i will get sick after not eating meat for so long, i rem just feeling kind of bad that after so long i accidently ate something

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