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    Crazy bus ride - Almost lucid

    by , 08-26-2012 at 05:27 AM (1039 Views)
    I was at a bar with a friend named Betsey. It was populated by hipsters and on the same road that was also the setting of my dream where I had a fight with a homeless man. The bar had the character of being a food court. Even though it was a bar, me and Betsey were drinking coffee and sharing a small cigar. We were passing it back and forth with each other. I started, passed it to her, and then smoked the rest so that I got 2/3 of the cigar. I felt that this was unfair. Also, the cigar was falling apart as we were passing it. Most people in the bar were smoking and I mentioned, "I thought that smoking in a bar was illegal in New Jersey." I saw a high school acquaintance named CJ. He didn't acknowledge me even though I was trying to meet him in eye contact. Suddenly some friends of Betsey came into the scene. I didn't recognize them and they barely said a word. One of them was lying down in her chair. They reminded me of the friends of my real life ex-girlfriend who I had met last month at a bar. Then I had an idea. I said, "Betsey, we should go to your place and watch TV!' She was excited by that idea. We started walking out and she change to my current girlfriend for a little while. I was mostly naked and had to go back to the table to retrieve my clothes. Betsey was back when I went outside again. There was no car. A man offered that we take a huge Rutgers bus. Betsey offered to drive it because I was nervous. She is totally confident. The bus is dirty. I sit in the second row (because it's safer than the front row) and buckle up. We start to drive through New Brunswick. She is driving too fast and I am nervous. WE accidentally get onto Route 18 South when we should get on North. When we are on it it changes to "Amwell Road" and becomes a country road. She keeps swerving into the other lane and onto the lawns that are on teh side of the road. I say we are going to crash. She denies it. I say, "when you keep drifting off the road like that, we will crash" and she laughs. Next we go straight into a tree. I start coming into the mind between waking and dreaming. I try to will myself to make the airbags go off but they don't. Instead I have a vision of a light crunching of the front of the bus. I then have the thought, "lt's okay if you crash in a dream" and just as soon as I have that thought I wake up.

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. Stephaaa's Avatar
      Your dream sounds so familiar to me. I basically have had the same one. I actually was on a bus with a bunch of people I don't know but know...some how. I travel with different people all the time and we seem to go on school buses a lot. But we got off the bus to go to a bar and there was a homeless man sitting at a table before I walked in. I remember him explaining to me why he had half his leg missing and he was in a wheel chair. Later it turned out that he was the owner of the bar. I had the same thing happen with my clothes too and I couldn't find the proper clothes. I was trying to get changed in a downstairs bathroom but it was too difficult I remember I just wanted to party and mingle .
    2. Stephaaa's Avatar
      Do you meet up with people and travel around with a mission of spreading higher consciousness. I probably know you from the dream world. I love dreaming so much, lately , well for the past year I actually am so active in my dreams that I go to somewhere to sleep in my dream and I literally wake up in this world. The last time I was looking for my body so I could jump back into to it. found a body on a bunk bed. Climbed in and had 3 huge shocks that woke me up. It was like convulsions and I actually had my boyfriends arm on my chest. It was wild. I went right back to sleep though after I mumbled my dream to him well he was still asleep. lol
    3. HomeRiver's Avatar
      Hey Stephaaa, Very very interesting that your dream matches mine in so many ways. I've had several recent dreams with homeless people as well, including one last night.

      Also interesting about knowing other people in dream world. It's something I hadn't put much thought into, but I'm convinced that I met my girlfriend in a dream before we started dating. I don't travel much. I'm serious about zen meditation and go on like 5 retreats a year. A few times, I've gone to the west and joined retreats out there (Portland, Boulder, Tuscon).

      When you say you are active in your dreams, do you mean that you are lucid?
    4. Batch's Avatar
      Badly driving buses is something I've dreamed a lot ... then again, I almost got a job as a bus driver, but tapped a truck making a turn, and failed the test. Hence leading to a lot of bad driving of buses in my dreams.

      (Only part of the bus that touched the truck was the mirror, and it was at a crawl, but I thought I was braking, but kept pushing the gas instead.)
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