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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Dreaming 9th of February 2012

      by , 02-09-2012 at 06:40 PM (Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~)
      I remember dreaming of having a Hunchback. And I was not happy, And I thought it was real, And I was so upset. I remember trying to use all my muscle power to make my back into a normal spine again.

      Then my sister woke me up, So I went back to sleep and I had another dream, This time it was of Dr. Who. But it was Dr.Who/Saw.

      I was with the new Dr. It was a cage type thing, In the middle of a massive building, It was pitch black. I think there must of been some alien or monster of sought.
      I was paired up with the Dr. Then this monster of sought, Was smashing and banging against the cage we were in.

      Then I woke up to dog barking, Then I fell back to sleep, And then the most beautiful dream happened.
      I was in the "Garden Of Palaces" I was walking around the gardens, And these palaces were all around the Gardens. I was walking next to some annoying American tourists. Everyone around the world knows how annoying American tourists can be, They're so loud... Anyway, The tourists were fat, Taking pictures saying "OMG look at that castle" I got annoyed and I was like they're palaces!

      Anyway, I left them some how, And I seen a palace I made in my head, It wasn't like I imagined, It was like a light house, Black and Red. It was meant to look like this.

      The gardens shined so beautifully, So pretty. It was like they radiated there own light energy. It was strange.

      Then I woke up from my sleep. That's it for now.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Knife's, Bullies and Convenient shop owners!

      by , 12-09-2011 at 06:47 PM (Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~)
      Well it was not lucid in the slightest but my most Vivid dream to date! I could smell, Taste and see details!

      I remember, Having a pink knife in my hand, The sharpest of the culinary knifes set.

      Anyway, Continuing, I was in England, Kent, Dover. I used to go to school in this town, As well as being born there. But I had a broken school bag, And I could see police roaming the streets.. I had to put this knife somewhere, So I put it in my bag. But the knife once in the bag was piercing through the bags fabric into my stomach . I was wearing the broken bag in the front of me instead on my back. The pointy part of the knife broke through the fabric and proper digging into my body.. It hurt. Then all of a sudden...

      This is Dover.

      The people I disliked at secondary school, as well as being bullies towards me in years 8-9 were okay with me, Not friends just okay. We started hanging around with each other. We were roaming the town of Dover then a Police woman caught us and said she wanted to search us. (In real life I don't even look like a thug, So to search me was rather strange, I blame it on the people I was with whom looked like thugs.) She seen the knife in my bag and she got her note pad thing out and fined me. I remember arguing with her.

      I'm not sure, But I believe we all ran away from her. We did get away. I remember going down this street in Dover. Busy main road but with shops on either side... I remember the police officer caught up with us, So we started running went through a shop and through the side doors in the shops that led to other shops.. That was rather strange. We went in one other shop and the Indian man was making chicken. It was just cooked, Hot with the hot steam rising from it.

      The chicken was crispy, nicely cooked. Like you would see in adverts on television. He offers me some while the guys I was with ran out the back door. They were telling me to follow them. But this chicken was too good to refuse. The Indian native man ripped a bit of the breast of the chicken off and put it on a plate, Then I said I have to go, he said "No I give you chicken now" He took a bite out of the chicken breast.

      All of a sudden the dream became too vivid and my eyes homed in on his mouth while biting a piece of chicken breast we was going to give me. His teeth were rotten and horrible. He said " You see? It taste good" Obviously the English language was not his strong point.

      The Indian man one taken his bite of the chicken meant for me, Put it back on my plate, he slopped more chicken on my plate. I said politely "I'm not so hungry now, I must go" Sensing the Police officer was near to entering this room, I had to leave. He was not so happy and he put his body in front of the counter so I could not go to the back door.

      As a result, my evil ruthless side came out and went into my bag and picked up the knife, And waved it in the man's face. It was kinda hilarious since it was pink.
      He said " Okay I let you go now, Never come back"

      I ran as fast as I could out the back door into the back and ran up the road that goes up a hill. It's much like San Francisco.

      Police officer chased us, But we lose her by hiding on top of the grassy hill and behind bushes. Then a old friend from my school is suddenly in the group. We then speak to each other and ask each other were we want to go, I said "Folkstone Hills" We knew the police were going to be looking for us but we had to get to these hills. Everyone in the group says "Yeah! Good Idea George"

      Problem is, My brain combined Dover town and Folkstone town into one town. These hills were at the other side of the town centre, It would be hard, Since the police station is in the centre of the town and if anyone has been to England, Everything is compacted and busy.

      I don't remember going in the town, But I remember arriving at the hills. It was beautiful so much life, then the dream after a while ended.

      Folkstone Hills

      Thoughts on why I had this dream.

      Police Officer - Reading news articles about the police recently.
      Dover and Folkstone - It's associated with my old school.
      Pink Knife - I have a purple knife in real life.
      Friends with old bullies - Maybe my subconscious believes there is unfinished business.
      Indian Man in shop - Common thing in the UK to see such things.
      Chicken - My mum keeps making roast dinners and I loath them.

      Final thoughts and opinion: I think it was a learning process for me. I enjoyed the vividness of it. I give this dream 7/10
      memorable , non-lucid
    3. Zombies..

      by , 12-08-2011 at 10:46 PM (Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~)
      The dream started with a zombie Apocalypse...

      It's non lucid, But it was so vivid, That I was scared of the zombies as a result. Didn't wake up in the dream sadly.

      I remember being in my apartment block were I live. Some how we knew zombies had too-ken over the world.

      Then I remember the apartment block only had stairs and it was communist style yet it was still in the UK. So it was rather strange since the stairs were smooth cement.

      I went to the top floor with Mila Kunis and went in one of the apartments.. There was a elderly woman zombie, We ran out as fast as we could and locked the door behind us. And ran down there stairs to the bottom floor were we went back into my apartment. Mila Kunis was a soilder. And our plan was to get to the airport, eventually get a plane and go and land on a deserted pacific island, Safe from viruses.. Later on you will find out how this was not the case.

      Mila Kunis

      Dream scape changed and we were at the airport, it's dark now, The sun has gone down, We're About to get on a military plane. We were with survivors this time. Mila says something to me about something or I think zombies are in the lobby of the airport. (The area you sit before boarding a plane) we went through loads of double doors with small windows in them. Like this

      Then it was like a hospital was part of the airport. Then I didn't exist for this part, It was like I was watching what was happening but I was no my body any longer. I seen some black people turn into zombies then I remember Mila running back from were we came from and we eventually got ouside and tried to get on the military plane to get to a pacific island.

      I remember A group of people including myself got on this plane, But it was small a rather small plane.. Mila entered the back of the plane, but the plane would not take off. The plane was too heavy! Only a few stone heavy. We were all debating who should give themselves up. We had to decide very quickly. No one wanted to do it, I knew I wouldn't give up my space.

      The zombies had broken out the emergency doors onto the runway and they were running for us.

      Mila, in her army solider clothes, Like a brave solider she was in this dream, gave up her seat, We sped the plane up and started to fly...

      We could all see Mila taking on the zombies and fighting them.. The zombies had glowing yellow/orange eyes. They all jumped onto her and she could not be seen. I believe she died. Then I think the plane started to crash.. I'm not sure because either everything went dark and I woke up and fell back a sleep again.

      R.I.P Dream Mila Kunis

      Thoughts on why I had this dream.

      Mila Kunis - Well, I have Russian ancestry, And my features closley resemble Mila Kunis but in a male form, If that makes any sense? And I was reading about Russia in the news and wondering what would have happened if my family never came to Britain 100 years ago. Plus, Mila Kunis is rather hot too.

      Zombies - Zombies are rather common things, Plus my brain properly wants me to bring up my fear of it so I don't have to be scared.

      Communist style apartment - Well, As I was saying, Russia in the news, Communism associated with Russia...

      Airport - I am guessing since it's zombie, My favourite map in the "Left 4 Dead" game is the airport level. So I guess that's why.

      Pacific Islands - Well, I always tell myself, If a zombie attack happened in real life I would go to a pacific island to get away from it all.

      Final thoughts and opinion: I believe this was a nightmare, Though it was fun to be chased by zombies and frightening at the same time. I give this dream a 6/10
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable