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    Lois <3 and Sect Session ROFL! - Sunday - 2012-08-19

    by , 08-19-2012 at 11:01 AM (529 Views)
    [COLOR="royalblue"]Non-Aware (Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="blue"]Partially Aware (Lucid Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="navy"]Fully Aware and Vivid (Astral Projection(OOBE)[/COLOR]

    I went to bed 23:00 doing my regular sleep routine of falling asleep in a sitting position. However this time I never seemed to get disturbed bu itches or uncomfortable feelings, and this night I actually ended up doing my best WILD attempt ever, if I should trust science, I was only minutes near my first REM. I lay still and aware for 1 hour and 27 minutes!
    I had a terrible headache when I opened my eyes and I fell asleep.

    I woke up 05:45 with only remembering one dream and I have even forgot that one now... But I fell back to sleep.

    [COLOR="royalblue"]I were in some kind of class, but it was not a school class there were only guys there and the teacher was "Mystery" from the pick up artist show. I remember we talked about how to pick up chicks and he evaluated each student and wrote notes. Next to my name he wrote "Good seeking ability". I have no idea what that meant.
    Shortly after reading this, the dream changes and it's a regular lesson and I see some girls bullying some girl because she was fat. They walked over to her bench and started calling her evil words like "big fat cow etc.".
    I turned around and told one of the bullies "I don't want to be annoying, but when you walked over to her bench the whole ground shake and I dropped my pen."

    I then hear some girl's giggle back in the classroom. When the class end and I am about to walk out of the room, I hear a voice saying "It was a good deed from you" with a smile that could melt me on the spot. It was a girl named Lois from my old school that I had a crush on for some weeks. We talked for a bit and I asked her what she were doing now, she said she currently had an extra job as a gardener. I don't know why but I sort of realized that it was only her appearance that was like Lois but her personality was someone else. I know now that it was Lana Lang's personality from the Smallville show that I watch daily. I even thought to myself in this dream "What would Clark Kent say?".

    I asked her if she needed some help with anything and the dream changed in front of my eyes and I was suddenly in some garden helping her out. [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]This sudden change was apparently enough to make me realize what was going on. I got aware of that I was dreaming, but not aware enough to have full control of my dreaming mind. But I at least considered stabilizing but I never did... Instead I went with the flow and followed Lois somewhere.
    We saw a band called "INNU" and I also thought to myself "I am not going to be like Clark and hide my powers."
    So I showed her flying but ended up losing my lucidity. [/COLOR]

    I woke up 07:15 and recorded the dream, I thought to myself that it was weird that even though some part of my mind knew I was dreaming I still considered Lois to be more real and important that just a dream character.
    So perhaps it was a semi-lucid/ simulated lucid.

    It was still to early to get out of bed, so I went to the bathroom and then went back to sleep again.

    [COLOR="royalblue"]I were in some kind o big city with my friend David and we see a big line of people dressed in a white clothing. It kind of looked like the Ku Klux Klan but without the ghost hat. I got curious and wondered what kind of big cult or sect this was. They went into some big building and I asked my friend if we should check it out.
    He said "It would be cool but just imagine the line in their". "Yeah true" I said and we went on.
    But as we keep walking I realize that we are on our way to some big grandstand and that actually are audience to that big cult. This grandstand was for people who wanted to watch the session because they didn't liked to be call cult and wanted to be considered as a religion so all people were welcome.

    However when two priest looking figures walks in and say "We are the prime ministers of this gathering." all people on that grandstand burst out in laughter. They looked annoyed at us but continued the session.
    They then told all people, including us to walk towards them and write down their dates of something I can't remember the exact term they used, but I remember I got it explained by one of the priests who said it was dates we are free on. I thought to myself "aha so instead of feasts this is their excuse of getting a day off". I wondered what date I should take but then the priest took my hand looked like he got into some kind of trance and then told me that 1478-4153 seemed like an appropriate date for me. :?

    I suddenly get more aware and I realize that I am dreaming. [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]I remembered that I don't want to look for my dream guide anymore because it have been a waste of time the other times. Instead I try to do something much more simple, like rubbing my hands. The dream wasn't very stable and it was almost like daydreaming for a while and I was in the threshold of the waking state and the dreaming state. I feel really weak and I try to walk up the steps back to my seat and my friend, I see some girls laughing, and I think to myself "Should I revenge on these girls and show who's boss?" .. "No wtf mind you should stabilize the dream!". I try to rub my hands again to no greater effect, but then I get a fun idea.

    What if I grabbed a megaphone and asked all the people in this room to look at their hands. "How many fingers do you see??" I hear the majority of people yelling "Four!" "And what does that mean?" "We are dreaming!".

    I remember that I lost my lucidity and did some flying before waking up. Next time I need to try something different to stabilize. [/COLOR]

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