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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Shapeshifting Into Optimus Prime & An F22 Raptor. EPIC DREAM. (LONG)

      by , 08-07-2011 at 04:51 AM
      Shapeshifting Into Optimus Prime & An F22 Raptor. (DILD)


      I slept inside a sleeping bag on top of a (deflated) air matress in the back of a truck, with a tarp over the top to keep rain out. Not comfortable at all, for those who know how truckbeds are grooved. Also was sharing the space with my dad, so there wasn't much room at all. This was incredibly painful every time I woke up at night as the mattress had leaked air and I felt the hard bed, but couldn't move or else wake him up. It was about 45 degrees overnight and very humid.

      Maybe this is why I was so aware and everything was so vivid.

      I was on a walkway made of cobblestone, with an outdoor walkway covering over it. To the right was a huge grass field as far as the eye could see -- covered in dew, bright green, and all the same size -- the legnth of mowed grass, but came to a point instead of obvious flat cuts. To the left were some two and three-story tall buildings, laid out like a school (jagged, blocky) but the building in the middle was a blue-grooved-alluminum-made warehouse three stories high with four windows at the top. There was a thick fog which made it nice and cool, very humid, and low visibility.

      I was wearing black jeans and a turqoise plaid outer longsleeve shirt with a gray t-shirt under it. I had charcoal/white/turqoise Nike 6.0 shoes.

      I unbuttoned my shirt and started running, holding the shirt by the buttons and spreading it out, as if flashing somebody. I ran faster and faster until finally I jumped and the wind caught the flaps of my jacket. I immediately gained altitude quickly and was about 70 feet up before I turned around and kept flying.

      Dream skips

      Now I was lucid. There was no sudden realization or feeling of excitement. It was like most of my lucids... it just happens. I was back at the same walkway with a friend I'll refer to as "Summer."

      While I was lucid, I was unaware that the characters were not real people. One of the many different 'layers' of lucidity.

      General Weaver and Tom & Hal Mason from Falling Skies were there on this walkway. They were discussing the alien base a few miles ahead.

      We walked down this walkway and into the blue warehouse. On our way Weaver said "be careful, there's aliens out there." We went to the top floor and there was a locker room. Another person, whom I'll refer to as "Danielle" was there.

      To every Danielle I know, you're all blonde, but this is not you. Lol.

      She is about 115 pounds, 5'9 or 5'10, and has long blonde hair. She popped out from inside a locker behind some jackets, totally nude.

      I looked to the right and Summer was totally nude as well. And so was I.

      We knew it was a total maze to get to the third floor so we weren't too worried. We locked the door just in case, to give us enough time to put clothes on or hide.

      I opened up the Garry's Mod Spawn Menu in my HUD (err... immediate vision) and spawned two elongated blast doors.

      I pulled out my physgun and placed the doors across the windows to block the view and froze them in place.

      EDIT: removed

      Spoiler for Bigger Lulz' and more vulgar descriptions.. you've been warned.:

      In about twenty seconds this all happens and we go at it once again instantly.
      After about twenty more seconds the same happens, except Ozzy Osbourne eats the head off this bat instead of it exploding.

      Well, that was interesting.

      Dream skips

      I am in clothing again, still the same clothes. I fly down into the walkway and see a girl and her mother. I answered some sort of question the girl asked and the mother seemed happy I did.

      "Mommy he can fly!" she said.

      "Yeah that's nice honey. Come on now."

      I started running toward the other end of the walkway. She looked, just to itch that curiousity of disbelief to see if I could actually do it. I started running fast and faster pulling my outer shirt open again. I jumped and WHOOSH. Wind caught my shirt and I flew up and forward. I turned around and the mother was incredibly impressed and smiling. I had a little trouble controlling it as it was directed by wind (only for schemata purposes) and for a couple seconds I was randomly moving due to random wind. I quickly fixed this issue.

      I flew back down and landed upside on a walkway covering support pole just before she turned a corner. Just like Spider-Man does when he goes to kiss Mary-Jane.

      She freaked out.
      "No don't worry ma'am I won't!"
      "GET AWAY!"

      I climbed down and started running once more to takeoff... and started flying again. I flew up about 100 feet this time. It was incredibly humid and I flew at speeds of around 90mph. It was a perefect 65 degrees or so with humidity and wind when I flew as I was wearing two shirts and pants and shoes.

      I hovered upright then went up a bit and looked out into the field. "WOW, IT'S SO VIVID!" I thought. "THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. WHAT A WONDERFUL DREAM."
      *caps lock necessary

      With all the intense excitement I never woke up. The dream never even faded, and I never even thought about it happening. The clarity just got better and better. I could see the dew on the grass from 100 feet up and all the blades with intense color without my glasses. The fog was still heavy but it made for great environment. I flew around, enjoying myself for a bit.

      Not the same environment, but that's literally how I was flying -- although I had my shirt flipped out in my hands when I moved forward at great speeds. With hovering I just let it sit on me normally.

      Dream skips

      I am just off the end of my "runway" looking toward it. I shapeshift into Optimus Prime (that's right, bitches!)

      You have absolutely NO idea how weird/epic it is when your body creates a nervous system for this 20-foot-tall (in the dream) mechanical transformers body made of metals and electricity and gears.

      A radio signal came in through my new mech body.
      "zchzchchzchzcchhhh.... Optimus... the evil boss is planning to attack."

      "Autobots... Transform!" I said. I even had the Optimus voice.

      I didn't turn into a semi-truck, and the autobots didn't necessarily fit either. I hovered up into the air then transformed into an F22 raptor, as did all my little autobots.

      We flew over at incredibly fast speeds forward -- as if I took off from my "runway" and never turned. It was foggy, and we flew above it. I originally had a cockpit view, but I got rid of the cockpit and had just the HUD -- elevation, wingspan, reticle, etc.

      Not the same environment, but like this.

      We reached a huge asian looking base on a floating island and a ton of aircraft came out. The next ten minutes was epic dogfights with my new mechanical F22 Raptor nervous system (movement and senses.)

      I'm really liking this shapeshifting thing. And flying. And not even for animal forms... but mechanical.

      Musical Entry to come on this dream soon... It's dubstep, in Optimus Prime form!

      Updated 09-05-2014 at 07:05 AM by 29747

      lucid , memorable
    2. Meeting My Dream Guide (or not...)

      by , 07-29-2011 at 12:29 AM
      Meeting My Dream Guide (or not..) (Incubated Lucid)


      Yet again a spontaneous lucid.

      I was hiding behind a wall on the rooftops of a Middle-Eastern town. My gun was behind my back, pinned up against the wall. A terrorist sat down next to me, breathing heavily. He was looking the other direction running from some marines. There were marines on my side (to the right.. he was looking left), so I didn't want to make any noise and have this terrorist notice me. Drawing my gun would make noise, and I couldn't take him hand to hand. I was waiting for a marine to get him.

      It was literally a bobblehead Obama figurine come to life.

      His figure was extremely odd. His head was about three feet tall and a foot wide. His lips were huge, and his neck was about the diameter of a watter bottle's tip.

      A marine sniper on a rooftop to my right took a shot. Once the bullet whizzed directly in front of my face I was experiencing everything in bullet-time. The shot him him directly in the neck.

      The terrorists was suffocating and obviously in agony. Then he was shot in the neck once more -- this time his head came off.

      I grabbed his knife and swung my gun into my hands. I jumped down off this roof to my right and went across multiple rooftops until reaching a ladder. As I was climbing up, I was shot at. I continued climbing again up a second ladder until I was with the marines.

      We promptly got the hell out of there.

      Once we got back to base, I changed out of my marine uniform, turn in my M4 and knife, and went straight to physical training (indoors.)

      I was in the Air Force, which is why I had to turn in my uniform and weapons.

      The general looked like Clint Eastwood. He worked us hard. A girl I know was in white lingerie spread out on the floor where we were doing push ups.

      I kept telling her to go away. But no. She wouldn't.

      The general came back from around the corner to make sure we were actually working and saw her. He used a Garry's Mod General Construction Prop as a wall and closed it in around our group. It packed us tighter together, and hurt because she was in the way and we couldn't touch the other wall -- we were being squished.

      "Well well well... it's a little tight in here ain't it?" He gave her a death glare and she left rather quickly.


      I was inside a barn, lit by oil lanters.
      A man took a hatchet and chopped another man directly down the center of his face. He then proceeded to eat the body.

      I left and was in a culdesac at night. I saw a bunch of people I knew from Fayetteville walking the street. I turned toward a field and yelled "Is my dream guide here?"

      I turned around. A big glass cup was floating behind me. It was about the size of my torso, but a bigger diameter. It had bright blue texting moving around it, as if a hologram were inside the glass.

      I turned back around.

      Again, I yelled "Is my dream guide here?"

      Turned around only to find once more this cup.

      I was quite surprised. In previous lucids my dream guide had always been Neytiri from Avatar. I've heard of animals and creatures being dream guides, but never anything like a glass cup. I'm not sure if this is my new DG or not.

      This cup had a real interesting voice. A very smooth, seducing female voice, with a bit of futuristic reverberation to it.

      I gave up and walked toward the field. It was apparently a Barbecue-Reunion for all my old classmates.

      Updated 09-05-2014 at 07:06 AM by 29747

    3. Backstage Before A Packed Stadium In Germany

      by , 07-25-2011 at 08:49 PM
      Backstage (Incubated Lucid)


      I was behind a table. Oh hey, it's finally a dream now, not a hallucination.

      I climbed over the table and towards the wall, which opened up. Through the opened wall I was backstage at a show. Two members of the band were in this room. We were about to play a gig for Germany.


      We climbed up the stairs (three metal stairs up to stage) and the dream instantly collapsed as I started putting my monitors in my ear.

      Not sure why, as I hadn't gotten excited, and the senses of IEMS\s entering the ears are pretty strange and anchoring.

      Updated 07-29-2011 at 12:30 AM by 29747

    4. Meshuggah/Living Quarters (Task of the Month!)

      by , 07-24-2011 at 05:58 PM
      Meshuggah/Living Quarters (DILD)


      Lucid task of the month!

      I just have a bunch of words scribbled on the paper, and I'm not sure what order all of it came in, so bear with me.

      "fish, increase, portal, piano, this is art, something I can't read written here..., sho(?), clock, hotel, keys, Berta (two & a half men), 3am, dog, never, spin, ghetto bitches, scared shitless, massive clock, time"

      Bolded so nobody mistakes that word during my swearing spree.

      It was a false awakening. There was a glow-in-the-dark thread shaking at one end of my room, while whatever was shaking it was blocked by a pillar just at corner of my bed by my right foot. There was an extremely ugly old lady sitting next to me, and it was very dark. I felt calm, and just closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Now that I think of it, it was my room from Fayetteville, not here in Albuquerque.

      There's some dream here, not sure what. I'm in my music room here in my apartment, except there are pianos on both sides and there's a line of drum cymbals above each piano. "Dad... we only have one piano."
      Boom. Lucid.

      I sit down and both these pianos disappear, replaced by one in front of me, whereas my my chair is moved back in order to allow space for the piano between it and my computer desk. I being to play it in the upper octaves in the key of C.

      All the notes are in C, but in no way is it playing what I push. There is an excessive amount of hammer noise as if I were playing an acoustic piano, but thank god there was no chorus effect to it. Some of the keys to the left of my hands were pushing themselves.

      Another false awakening. I look and see the same thread, same pillar, and same old hag. Wait wait wait, I'm still dreamining.

      The thread ends up being attached to one of my Nike SB shoes, which is multi-colored with a white/charcoal base, a turqoise check and turqoise laces. The shoe is hopping around as if it has a life of its own. At this point, I am instantly scared shitless as it hops toward my bed. "Wait a minute.." I thought. "This is a dream. He can't hurt me." And I was no longer scared. The old hag never moved, and I never interacted with her.

      Yeah, she was that ugly.

      Somewhere in here it is no longer nighttime and I'm out of bed. Don't remember this bit.

      I'm in my living room. Well, not mine, but a very nice glass-walled bit on the edge of an ocean cliff. Think of the DirecTV commerical.

      Shelves are mounted to the wall at some points. I can't describe this apartment as it would take me days to communicate it. But on these shelves was a giant alarm clock (the one I just bought yesterday at Best Buy.) The text isn't changing.

      My dad is out on the balcony hanging over the cliff drinking a beer. I'm still lucid at this point and want to try another goal of mine: "open a portal."

      I try to use telepathic powers but this does not work. I then think of the wall as only a dream and non-solid and try to jump through it. I think I would have had much better success if I turned around so I wasn't looking at the wall before I jumped.

      I then tried thinking of the molecules, and the gaps in between them. I CHARGED at full speed. Thunk. No such luck.

      I leave the apartment and walk out. Turns out there is no door, but the giant party room rolls into the lobby of the most extravagent hotel I've ever seen. I was on the 45th floor. The whole thing was open in the center with the walkways around the edges, a circular building.

      I soon learned that my new house was inside an apartment and was still under construction, thus no door. It also appeared to me that the ocean was only where the balcony was, and all the other ocean views through glass were illusions.

      There's a skip of no recall. Some chubby girl with black hair, your typical fat prep, was reaching in the fridge. Charlie sheen said "assist you in a sec."
      Berta: "Pfft. Right. "
      Prep: "Oh bitch what da fuck?"
      -ensue ghetto argument-

      I'm in a dark room with red lighting and red carpet. A couple Ibanez RG2228 guitars are laid out on racks around me.

      I was with Michel from Meshuggah. Yup. He was giving me a death glare with his hands out away from him walking towards me, as if possessed.

      Wait, something tells me this dream isn't over.

      Another awakening, this time for real. I roll over and... WTF. It's only 3:03 AM. I went to sleep at 1:10, and I remember looking at my clock at 1:40 and spending forever trying to enter SP. I must be seriously deprived. Yet I slept 9 hours yesterday and napped for two. I've been getting 8 hours a night. hmm..

      Nope, not a dream.

      I never went through any doors in this dream. I've been trying to RC every time I pass a door as they appear in virtually every dream. Somehow this is my only lucid in almost a year and yet it has no dreamsigns.

      I think the lucid portion was ten to fifteen minutes long.

      Updated 07-24-2011 at 07:18 PM by 29747

      lucid , task of the month