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    1/24/2014 // spirit anti racism training

    by , 01-24-2014 at 07:22 PM (320 Views)
    Spent the most of the night in dreams with African American spirits ( I am white) and learning about equality and not being a racist punk. I started the first segment by going to one of the guys and telling him the truth of what I am before I could be accepted for help. So I said I am racist I cannot help it, it is in my DNA and raising up, and after that they were so happy that he came up to me and did something to my head, it felt like he was he was unscrewing a part of my brain, and then he removed something from my head and I felt as peace for a bit after that, free of many judgement and racist thoughts. Was amazing. Had many more scenes hanging out in this new community, and some scenes with my Army friends from back in the day. I remember, these guys felt like Gods. They were so powerful, one guy kicked a soccer ball so high into the air it was pretty much cloud level. It was awesome to hang out with them.

    Another scene me and someone is picking up a family of spirits. They look identical to humans, they get in the car, and we have to go on through some sort of checkpoint into a living human area. They keep saying something like this is so weird that you guys use 'time', we don't have 'time' as spirits. I asked them if they were good or evil, and they said they are both, they have transcended duality. Anyways we get onto the base, and park some where and all get out and head our separate ways.

    Later on I remember playing some sort of amazing side-scrolling Mario game that felt like it came from a way in the future society, it was so well crafted and intuitive to play. I remember getting a Grim Reaper suit for Mario as a power-up, that was cool. Then when I think I was at the end of the level I was either sucked into the game or another dream scene and I had to sword fight someone in a tunnel, in my first person perspective. Very hazy though can't remember the details of that.

    Later on back with my new African-American friends again, still learning to be non-judgemental and respectful and see everyone with equality. I remember eating lots of cake, and following these guys around, also near the very end of my dreams a scene with a very big(round) black guy comes into the room and the split second I saw him I thought something mean about him being fat, and he instantly said "WHO SAID THAT" and turned to me and groaned. So I had to repent/atone apologize to him to make it right again.

    All in all a very good eye opening night. Thanks spirit friends!

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