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    I hate Titles...

    Three for one.

    by , 04-27-2012 at 04:24 PM (351 Views)
    I'm in a darkish place, presumably the high school, hanging out with some friends. I discover that I have a quarter on me, and head to the snack machine to see what I can buy. I put in my quarter, and push a button for the Twixt. It doesn't look like it's going to fall, but it does, and snags two other snacks on the way to the bottom.

    I head back and share these snacks with my friends.

    "Tonight we feast like kings." I say, jokingly, as I doll out the snacks and settle back into my place around the fire.

    I pick up my bag of chips and shake it.


    "Aw man, I'm still hungry." I mumble, and pull out another from nowhere.

    "Okay, lets continue to explore." says the resident cat-lady. (presumably my sister, as it wasn't the other cat lady I see in my dreams, which is obviously a different friend, and this sister generally wears cat ears."

    Head down a hallway and enter what I expected to be a class room, opens into a meadow, but not THE meadow.

    "Close, but no cigar I say, looking for another door."

    "It's getting a little cold, maybe we should head back?" says Ari.

    "You can head back, but I need to find this place. It's important."

    She heads back to where we made the fire.

    The next door I open has a man in a mask staring at me.

    I calmly shut the door, turn around and head back to 'camp'.

    "You're right, it's too cold to explore any further today."

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