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    10/4/15: Interstellar Dawn of War (Epic)

    by , 10-05-2015 at 03:19 AM (387 Views)
    - Tom Cruise must have been a lead character or something; I have this picture of him over an overgrown metropolis under a sunrise burnt into my memory.
    - Everything in this dream had detail; everything had history to it. Materials had science behind them and every place had some sort of story. It was very vivid.

    [Plot 1 begins]:
    Here's the gist of the setting: I'm in a movie that one of my best friends recommended to me; it was a mixture of Interstellar and Space Marines. Essentially there were two factions in the world (far in the future): there were those who wore Space Marine suits like the picture below (they weren't called that) and those who didn't (typically regarded as poor).

    There was peace between these two powers for the moment, but not for long. An ancient relic in an abandoned building defined this relationship. But I was going there to do something with it.

    I'm moving in with a good buddy of mine (who I don't actually know) on the building. We’re dressed in Brink-esque clothes. A bobcat kills an opossum and then tries to fight us. We kill it.

    Then we were in the building, and the relic was in some old refrigerator or something. Then Tom Cruise in his armor steps in, and we negotiate and talk about what doing this means for society. The discussion was deep and beautiful, but I wish I could remember more.

    [End plot 1; plot 2 begins]:
    I dunno, we were kinda wandering around in my house at night… it felt like “we” but I think it was just me.

    I don't know why, but it felt like something was off; that the house was eerie. I was just wandering around, but when I looked into a room without the lights on, I could faintly see these demonic "silhouettes" of my parents staring at me like the picture below. In an Alan Wake-like manner I was able to "erase" them by shining a light at them.

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    non-lucid , memorable , side notes
