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    1. 9/6/15: Gallows (Nightmare)

      by , 10-27-2015 at 09:57 PM
      - This dream may or may not have been inspired by the trailer for "The Gallows", but I feel that the general inspiration simply came from the name of the film.
      - I can't think of anything different I did before bed, and I can't remember getting cold at any point, so I don't know why this horrible dream happened. Just stroke of luck I guess.

      [Plot begins]:
      I'm at my house. My parents and I are searching the house, and heading to look out the windows. We know that there's something wrong; that something terrible is happening. We all knew we were looking for a dead, hanging person. I thought they were going to be outside of a window, but I didn't see anything. That's when we went out onto the porch. It was a silent night, and pitch black. We didn't see anything. Then Dad turned on the spotlight.
      There they were. Two, dead, pale, hanging corpses strung across the two largest trees in our yard on a thick, grey cable. We gasped, muttering fearful phrases to ourselves as shock overtook us. Chills ran up all of our spines, and the terror began to set in.
      An omniscient "voice" told us (seemingly through our minds) that this was the beginning -- and that we would be the end. The bodies swayed in the breeze, cold and lifeless. We ran inside rather frantically. We didn't know what to do. We had to live, but knew we couldn't.

      [The dream fragments...]

      [Plot continues; change setting to behind house]:
      We're running through a small path, looking for an escape we know we can't find. We look up and freeze. Hanging in the trees above was another thick, grey cable. There were two nooses ready for use, waiting patiently for a catch. We all freaked out.

      [The dream fragments...]
      There's something about my mom getting snatched, but it's very unclear. I get a sense things got better after that point... There was a ransom, some negotiation.

      [Plot ends; change setting to bus]:
      So I'm on this bus, and I know I'm in Speed, but I think I was taking the role of Sandra Bullock... not sure. However, I forgot the rest.

      [Wake up]
    2. 10/26/15: RC Fail.

      by , 10-27-2015 at 09:55 PM
      - I got triggered all because of my bear dream sign. I realize that sounds really spiritual and stuff but it's not; I only see bears in my dreams and I just know to recognise it now. They also come with a certain emotion, a fear of something far away that's coming for you.
      - The RC was so pathetic... I think I'm going to stick with the "focusing" RC, where I observe the world and take in every detail.

      [Plot 1 begins]
      One of the cats and the dog were loose on the porch, and something told me to go get them. So I open up the porch door and see my dad out there. He looks off up into the hills behind me house and says, "There's a bear up there".

      I swear, at that moment the sky got darker. I get the same kind of feeling from a dream bear that a Dementor from harry Potter would. Same deal, same fear that something is coming for you, and that it will get you.

      At this moment, I step outside and grab the dog and the cat and bring them in. I close the door hurriedly, but the other cats had escaped while I was grabbing the others. I freak out; I know that the bear is close, and so I step out to get the cats when I realized, "Hey... could this be a dream?" I looked at my hands and got this really ridiculous FOV effect, and my fingers were all stuck together like a 90's video game. BUT I DIDN'T NOTICE. At this moment, I kinda forgot what I was doing in the dream and everything was ok. My dad and I were just hanging out on the porch.

      [The dream fragments...]