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    Jenos's Garden of Dreams

    Current goals:
    Improve my dream recall (1≤ per night)
    Lucid Dream through DILD!
    Lucid Dream through MILD!
    Lucid dream through WILD!
    Improve my LD control

    1. August 1, 2012 - Zombies again?

      by , 08-01-2012 at 04:56 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      After waking up after a more normal dream which strangely enough was in the same setting with the same people (minus a few) I fell back asleep and into anotherzombie dream I went.

      A Swim to the Hospital
      Non-lucid: I am on an island off the mainland of wherever. My friend, Ian, has just moved here four some reason or other. The island has some tree coverage but it's mostly grass at the shores, with little sand. In the sands place are rocks and shells (this is a trend for Rhode Island) The water is wavy but flat, similar to how it would look had someone put a giant tv screen playing water on a loop. The water is gray-clear, allowing a clear and unnatural view of the see floor (only the shore part though) It's about midday and as usual instead of a warm light the sun would give off, it's a cold slightly blueish-white as if a colossal fluorescent light hung in the sky.

      I am talking to three of my friends. Mike, Ian, and Robert. We desperately want something to do, Mike and Ian in particular are complaining. Somewhere in the conversation we decide that we are going to swim to the hospital. There must be no boats or something.

      When we arrive it's early in the night. I'm now rocking a shotgun and my friends have similar weapons. We crawl into the hospital, a narrow hall that quickly turns left with only a few doors and windows on the right. The floor is white tile and walls are painted gray. My friends whisper about how not to shoot on sight because zombies will swarm us. I just have to be and asshole though, and shoot the first one I see (which was immediately after we crawled around the first left turn). We get up and book it, my friends start swimming back to the other island but I stay here.

      Strangely the scenery here is less realistic. Instead of grass it's just as if someone put a picture of grass over the ground. The hospital is in the middle of nowhere and it's tiny. But theres no more time to take it in because they are rushing out of the building now. I run into the water hoping they can't swim. But it's not a problem, because behind me are the livid, living hospital staff, zombies that aren't attacking them, and Dr. Cox.

      Dream end.