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    Jenos's Garden of Dreams

    Current goals:
    Improve my dream recall (1≤ per night)
    Lucid Dream through DILD!
    Lucid Dream through MILD!
    Lucid dream through WILD!
    Improve my LD control

    1. August 4, 2012

      by , 08-04-2012 at 03:57 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      I can't think of a title for this one
      Non-Lucid: We (meaning my whole family, no cousins though) are in some kind of futurisic building. Earlier in the dream something really odd and creepy was happening in the building, something out of a horror movie. Though that part of the dream still wasn't a nightmare, and there was also some game/puzzle related things that I remember only vaguely.

      The room we're now is the size of a typical fast food joint. The walls are a blueish metal, some parts have a blue/purple light running up it in a tube. In the center of the room is a pit about 7-10 feet deep with a white mist on the bottom and a pink light illuminating the walls of the pit. Standing in the pit are three platforms at the same level of the floor we are standing on, supporting them were thin poles a foot in diameter at most. The floor is the same metal as the walls but instead of a blueish tint it is gray. At the far end of the room are two large windows that take up most of the far wall. There is also a door that leads out to a metal balcony or more likely a deck.

      We, that is me, my mother, my grandfather, grandmother, my and on of my aunts, hop over the platforms to my dog who has fallen ill. While The "trying to fix my dog" part of the dream goes on for awhile and isn't worth writing about.

      After the dog business is done we observe a severe storm outside. Thunder, cloud to ground lightning, the whole deal. A perfect replica of severe storm. I find myself thinking about what I would take my room if a fire started. I concluded that I would take my Iphone, kindle, my Grado Headphones, and a few other things that I can't seem to recall.