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    Just another DJ entry :D

    by , 10-01-2010 at 04:36 AM (418 Views)
    So i was boarded up in a safehouse with a bunch of other survivors, me and another were preparing to go out for a supply run, but when we got outside we realised we didnt bring any sort of weapon for protection against the zombie hordes, and the front porch light was left blaring. I started to panic, looking around there were zombies fairly close on the street and there was a light in the neighbours window with a silhouette, it turned and looked at me and looked as if it was trying to focus on us to make sure we were human.
    we turned around and tried knocking on the safehouse window softly to try get the door open, noone answered, we tried again a bit harder as we paniced more, someone came to the window, but we couldnt see them, they looked at us and left.
    the door opened and we rushed inside, as i closed the door, i tried locking it but it wouldnt seem to click, it finaly locked and as soon as i let go the handle rattled really violently and there was a bang on the door, then nothing. I actually felt terror here was great.
    i remember then asking around for someones spare handgun for protection next time, noone would give me one so i went into the storage and stole one from a box that had 20 or so in it.

    dont remember too much inbetween here but there was something about someone killing a boss and getting a minigun, and at the end we found some massive crop harvest and there were cars and stuff driving around.

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