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    1. exo planet

      by , 02-19-2016 at 04:39 PM
      I was dreaming that me and two woman were exploring an exoplanet with mostly water and we were climbing on some rock trying to find our way across. There was no life on the rock but in the water I spotted a lot of different sized fish. I became very excited and let her know. eventually we became aware of some other living thing that could potentially be a apex predator and then I woke up.
      dream fragment
    2. Fragments

      by , 02-17-2016 at 11:06 PM
      Looking at a bathroom in a mall that had the entrance and exist at the same door in a V shape "thats what bathrooms look like in my dreams" didnt catch lucid awareness however.

      Phone is in my sock I jump in water and then remember phone. I jump out and try to turn it off before battery gets wet. Dream electronics happen and it dosnt play nice and I thought it got wet.
      dream fragment
    3. Plaid boxes for alien abduction.

      by , 02-15-2016 at 06:51 PM
      fuzzy part: there was a box that was evil, I knew it was evil by nature of how it made me feel when I neared it. It was attracting something in a large herd and they were mindlessly following it.

      Clearer part: I was running down the street of a city that was deserted and grey, I heard the music of the box again and it was plaid and colorful and evil, all of the sudden B-12 flying fortresses were coming down to earth and shrinking as they came. by the time they hit the ground they were just the size of a small drone and they were headed on wheels to the evil box. It reminds me of the monkeys in Zombies of COD
    4. dicks

      by , 02-11-2016 at 06:20 PM
      I had a dream where someone stole my wallet or my credit card information at least. they used it to the last cent. they kept hitting it with one cent and then 101 dollars
    5. running and gpas old house.

      by , 02-09-2016 at 06:05 PM
      I was running around a building trying to get out to a car that me and 3 other guys had arrived in, the car was a ford torrus and the kid had used the turrus as an alias. Anyway a bunch of stuff happened there was a stage and there were mushrooms and a security guard chasing me. I felt like I couldn't run anymore, my legs were tired, I thought "this is how dream running is but for some reason I didnt realize I was dreaming beyond that". I made it back to the car and that is when I realized the alias and the situation.

      The next place I was at was gpas old house and we were shoveling snow around his garden which is grass, I was with my cousin Pat and Matt and my brother sam and maybe Katie. They had a sketchy backpack with beer in it and something else and they had their girlfriends coming over. We were in the garage when the sketchy back pack came out and thats about all I remember.
    6. witches and cars flippiing

      by , 02-08-2016 at 04:33 PM
      Me and Liam were cruising down a road and we were having a grand ol time listening to music and going back and forth with it. we started coming up on this hill and when we went over it in the left lane our car went air borne and started to flip over, I tensed up at first and then I relaxed for impact. We ended up upside down at the pillar of a bridge, we climbed out and started climbing up the debris of gravel and stuff that was on the side of the hill underneath and some one else flipped and headed right for our car. We reached the top and then a zombie like creature crawled out of a hole to our left and we beat him off or ran I cant really remember and then suddenly we were fighting a witch that was able to take a knife hit but make it glance and we couldn't hurt her and we tried and tried, I eventually woke up still trying to kill the witch.
      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare