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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. indians and pistols

      by , 11-02-2015 at 03:17 AM
      I had to rerecord this because my PC restarted.
      I was running around on this river, the river was very carved in and the levels were like the amazon meaning there was a lot of water falls and steep flows. I was running around with a team of military personal/football players. I was running down, jumping in between streams when natives started running out toward us. I had a pistol on me and I pulled it out running toward these natives that were running at me. I had to because I was helping out my team. I pulled the trigger and nothing, pulled it again and again then I remembered that I need to cock it, just before the first native was about to bring down his hand held weapon I got my gun up. He sailed through the air from the cliff and I fired into his chest and then I fired again onto someone else and I methodically emptied my clip and as I was reloading and still running I saw the drop down ladder from the helicopter so I dashed toward it with all haste. i was on the wrong side of the river and suddenly found myself back in Lincoln walking out of memorial stadium with the head football coach saying he was excited for me to walk on. I laughed and said thanks see ya soon then walked over to the parking garage where I saw my car parked. I bent down to tie my shoe that was all sopping wet and my clothes were all wet to. I looked back up and my car was gone, I ran into the break room that was right in front of me and asked the lady there were it had gone and she said. You will have to ask the towing company. I woke up worried about it for a few seconds then remembered it was a memory of a dream and let it go.
    2. many girlfriends, alot

      by , 10-30-2015 at 01:48 PM
      I had a multitude of dreams and each one I was with a different girl and I always ended up kissing her right before the transition to the next dream or right before I woke up. The first time I felt like I had over slept so I checked my phone but I knew I hadn't really checked it. It was very vivid and I probably should have just waited to fall back into an entire landscape but I rolled over to check and see if there was any morning light which there was none so I checked my phone and saw I had 40mins left so I started to sleep again.. this dream was a fight match or something in the ring and I was there watching it and this girl I had said hi to (super good looking) was standing by me and I said something to her and she went and showered. When she got back she was in a towel but was wearing it like a dude just around the waist and she kept nudging closer to me so I started making out with her and then I woke up.
    3. bedbugs

      by , 10-29-2015 at 02:37 PM
      I had another dream that there were these couches I was going to sit on on at an auto store (or some store) but they had just sprayed for bedbugs and the only real way to get rid of them is to heat treat so I warned my family not to sit down on anything and worked to gtfo
      dream fragment
    4. football and the baker

      by , 10-26-2015 at 01:56 PM
      Me and my brother Sam were in memorial stadium and we were on the football team. The game wasn't going super well for us and I tried to say something to the coach and he said no, but you can turn around and smile. I then did turn around and found that there were a bunch of fans on the field for half time and I walked over to the side lines with sam and when I turned round when I got there mrs Ryew was also with us and then someone asked sam how he had become the team baker ( he had a badge that said he was team baker lmao)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Football, toking lucid, cuz

      by , 10-21-2015 at 01:43 PM
      I was at workouts sitting down with the team in lines when a medicine ball was thrown in my direction so I tried to catch it but I missed and ended up having to do an exercise where I had my feet elevated and the ball in my hands with my butt on a box. I also had a dream that I was driving the van and I was going to turn down an ally but had to take the next turn because I couldn't see around the corner.

      Fragment: I was hanging out with some homies and we were all toking, we left the place we had done the deed and were now just walking along a path in the grass up a slope. I started to kick myself for having done the deed and I was thinking that sometimes its just a dream and I shouldn't freak out, then I realized that I was in fact dreaming and I started to attempt stabilization (I had really felt buzzed from the toking and it felt real like I had done it, it was when I reminded myself that I had cheated my bodies reward system did I realize it was a dream, it was a clear moment - I saw what the action was clearly and that moment of clarity spontaneously let awareness of the dream come about. thanks meditation Anyway because I had just fallen asleep and this dream was more or lass fragmented imagery I had trouble staying in one spot. I started yelling for the dream to be more stable and started rubbing my hands together but while everything felt and was very vivid it did not keep me in the dream and I woke up.

      I shortly fell back asleep to a dream with my cousin and he left out the back door, I dont know why. I have been thinking about him a lot because I haven't seen him forever and he just missed my sisters wedding.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. rivers and Nate

      by , 10-14-2015 at 01:22 PM
      I was at Nates cabin and it was by a river but the river was much closer then it had been the last time I had been there. It was rationalized and explained away as the way rivers change but that dosnt really make sense. Nate was laying on his bed sipping from a tiny glass of wine and talking to Graham on the phone with face-time. There were a couple other kids there and Nate said he hadn't brought anything and I said I had brought something. I went exploring again and even walked out into a side stream of the river to an island and on my way back I noticed all the reeds under water that were groping at my feet, very dangerous.

      Dream 2: it involved rivers again and traveling through them but I cant really remember other then there were girls
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Reeds tubes and snakes

      by , 10-07-2015 at 01:16 PM
      Joe Pfie and maybe Seth and one other kid and myself were all boating and we were about to get pulled by Joe and the other kid. Joe was on the end of the boat yelling at me and the other kid. The guy in the water with me grabbed the tube that had just surfaced and so did I. Joe was like "they both have it lets go" so they started towing us and Joe yelled at us to get to the left side of the boat and we did. some how we started passing the boat and I worried about the prop. I went through some reeds pretty fast actually and it was like there was a little stream that opened up into a little pool area surrounded by reeds. As I came around the corner Joe was stalking something in the far edge and I came in and disrupted the process. I saw a snake in the water under water and I told Joe who walked over it like it was nothing and the snake bit out at him and snagged a sock which Joe said. I was still on the tube the whole time
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. huge mountains and milk

      by , 10-06-2015 at 12:11 PM
      I dont really remember how but I lost a gallon of milk down a hill which had some workers at an intersection with a lot of other milks and stuff. I ran down to try and find it and they asked what I was looking for and I told them a 2% percent milk that took off down the hill and they said they didn't know but pooled together to help get a new one.

      I was at an event with families and there were hug mountains, big. There were a bunch of kids running along the top of this ridge and someone commented to me about being young and having tons of energy after I had siad it was amazing how long they had been running. I had the thought that "those look like mountains I see in my dreams" but didnt become lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Picture retake

      by , 09-28-2015 at 02:09 PM
      I was with a couple people I knew and we were getting transported by a dude who could fly. I tried to take a picture and it was black and white so I asked to go again but he said he had to fly the other people.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Hot air baloon plane at the fair. Lucid design.

      by , 09-24-2015 at 01:14 PM
      LD: I was hanging out with my brother when I was going through some things about weird directional forces of quantum mechanics or something and it wasn't working. We started to have the discussion about when we both started realizing. WERE IN A DREAM!. I started working with him to try and build something out of nothing but it wasn't working. I turned to him and said "I seem to have a case of stage fright and cannot perform the action" he gave it a shot and couldn't do it either so we just kind of moved objects around for a bit while enjoying the familiar buzz of awareness

      My fragment dream was me stumbling through this huge building and accidently running into an office with Doctor Who in it (old Scottish actor) I knocked over a picture book and then said sorry and the lady at the front desk looked at it got up and started fixing it so I helped and then the actor came over and I dont remember from there.

      After this I had a dream where I was at a fair ground and my Mom and little brother and Simon and a couple were with us. Eventually it started raining so we had to get going but we only had the blue Oldsmobile so the first road we tried was blocked off because of flooding and we whipped a U-ey and headed back into oncoming traffic which also turned around and headed back (no idea how) when we got back we jumped in a hot air balloon type device that was pretty open to the elements and actually not to safe. My littlest brother was asleep and I was holding on to him and some of the rigging to try to keep us steady while my mom entered the cockpit trying to fly. We ended up heading straight for the ground and started to skim trees, I was trying to cover my little brothers face but an eyelid got snagged. Nothing bad happened to him but it had me worried. We hit the ground and I asked him if it was okay and he said ya, it was a little red and my have had a scratch on the cornea. The next thing I knew there was a guy talking about how his girlfriend needs to work and my mom who he was talking to (I thought oh sh!t shes a stay at home mom she will be pissed) and sure enough she slapped him lightly and said some thing I dont remember.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , dream fragment
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