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    I was flying

    by , 12-07-2015 at 02:43 PM (346 Views)
    WBTB (gentle return to breath when I realized attention had wandered, fell asleep at some point and became lucid)
    I don't really remember how it started but I was flying all over the place and I was having a tough time staying very far away from the ground for some reason. I would let go and just be free for a minute and then I would soar, I would actually feel like I was climbing up into the sky. Then I would become afraid of losing it or I would become afraid of falling and I would. there was a couple different times I was coating like I was on a long board then I would keel over and wipe out. I became relaxed at one point like I could stay in the lucid forever, I wasn't worried about it ending and it really brought some peace and stability to it, I became very aware at that point ( like the headspace difference between having coffee one day and not having it sort of feeling)

    (non lucid) I also had a dream I was in a restaurant and I worked a whole shift during the dream, I don't remember a lot of it other then it was ending in the same spot it started and someone had asked me when my birthday was and I had told them feb 10th and it was the date feb 10th and they said happy birthday but I hadn't even realized it was my b-day until it had come up in convo then someone noticed the date. I also got a hernia or something working out there? it was a black and bruised spot where dads had been when he got one

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    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
