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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Lord of the rings and wall of china

      by , 11-12-2013 at 08:47 PM
      I found myself running down a bunch of tents toward a Great Wall with Frodo and Sam, my brother sam was also with me running down the dirt road lined with tents. As we were running a bunch of orcs stepped out and gave chase. Gollum was also chasing us and as we were about to be caught a massive slug thing appeared and we jumped on it. He pulled us away from our attackers to a swampy thing and descended into it. We were stuck and our attackers stopped at the edge and watched us get covered in the stuff. I suddenly jerked out of this and ran toward the wall shedding the skin like substance. The attackers gave chase and my brother said "the door that is open today is the one that says "queen" in Latin. We found it and unlatched the door just in time. We stumbled into a room with a fat guy and a family there and they didn't move they just looked on. (I think I woke up for a very short time) then suddenly I was above and behind the attackers who were now in full force attacking the wall. I saw a massive creature slam itself into the wall making it half it's height as archers shot it from the wall and suddenly I was back in my body inside the wall. Enemies were busting in the doors and I ran up a flight of stairs and stood in a coner of another flight. I saw people run down the stairs in towels and they slammed against the wall looking up. Then I woke up ... dream 2: I was in a house and we were having a party when Logan came up to me and kissed me so I took her upstairs and as we were laying in bed I woke up
      Tags: running
      non-lucid , memorable
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