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    Vivid Dream about Theme Park with African Children

    by , 10-29-2013 at 05:39 PM (433 Views)
    I am at an amusement park that is sort of like a theme park where we are in an African country where there are different factions of small black children each wearing their own different uniforms. I end up walking all over the park and decide that it is now a good time to start working out when I get to a large open dirt field with some tall stools and balls that you can train yourself with body weight. I start doing tricep dips as I see a couple of young asian women playing with a rubber ball and kicking it around. They keep hitting the ball near me, and I keep kicking it away while I am doing my exersizes on the tall stools. They seem somewhat impressed with what I am able to do. Eventually they leave and eventually I get tired of working out so I walk around.
    I end up in another section of the park where there is a group of african children all dressed in yellow. This part of the park seems pretty dangerous, as they all start to stare at me. I leave quickly.
    The park is closing now, and I start to feel as if I should probably leave soon. I see my friend Martinez as I am leaving. I see a hot blonde woman that speaks spanish, and I point Martinez in her direction to hook them up. He goes up to her , as she is up the stairs near the exit, and they start talking in spanish.
    I now feel the urge moreso to leave the park, so I do, thus seamlessly transitioning into the next part of the dream.

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    non-lucid , memorable
