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    Airplanes, Rifts, and some nice meals.

    by , 01-02-2011 at 06:17 PM (398 Views)
    Okay, this is my first Dream Journal entry. I Might as well say this now: I have bad dream recall, thus my working on this.
    I do not know how many dreams I had, nor which ones I am describing here. I will begin with what I first remember.

    In this dream, I was a child, a boy, probably on a school trip. I remember being in some sort of mall, with lots of food shops around. All of the other children were eating at McDonald's, and I was eyeing this one girl, sitting there with the other little girls. Something happened, and I wanted to pee. Looking around, I saw no signs of a bathroom, so I decided to open the zipper on my jeans, and pee inside the trash bin. Don't worry, it was the organic-labelled one. The dream gets cloudy here, and the next thing I remember was exiting some place, probably a bathroom, and going to another restaurant.

    Now, I do not recall which one it was, but I may have seen it in one of Amsterdam's airports. Or was it London's airports? Well. I enter it, and one of the clerk guys offered me some sort of food with blue cheese and a beer, I do recall that beer being an English one. I order it, and then someone I know inside the dream appears. A woman, no more than 30 years old, but I do not recall her face. Only that she was wearing something that may have been pink. She starts to scold me for not being with the other children at McDonald's, and my comeback to that is:

    "But McDonald's is the worst place to eat! They make horrible burgers."

    Now, it gets cloudy again. I remember eating what I ordered, some sort of cheese sticks and...I do not recall what else, but they were absolutely delicious, creamy and gooey and cheesy and wonderful. And, I may speak, I've never eaten blue cheese in my entire life. The same woman appears again, and I offer her some of my food, saying something like "Here, you will understand what I mean.". She proves it, and, like me, finds it wonderful.
    "See? I told you it was good." I tell her. I offer my food again, saying we could share, and that is all I remember from this dream.

    Now, in the next dream, I was in an Airplane, the last seat. It was preparing to leave, so I was getting ready, buckling my seatbelt and everything. Then, the airplane departs, and I'm no longer seeing myself, but the airplane, as if my eyes were a camera on the top of it. Lots of ducks were flying, trying to avoid the turbines, and the pilot comments on it. "Lots of ducks here, we're going to move to another place.".
    Suddenly, the plane has legs. Mechanical legs, of course, that I was not seeing. But I was hearing the heavy smashing sounds. Even with legs, it was going at 300km/h, according to the pilot. More travelling, and finally, we find some sort of downwards highway, in which the plane starts to fly.
    That's all I remember.

    That's it, folks.

    Oh, yeah, in some part of it, I may have been playing Rift Online, and, astonished, may have tried to ask around whether the game was in an early open beta or not.

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    Updated 01-02-2011 at 06:19 PM by 40607

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
