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    1. Dream Boy

      by , 09-08-2011 at 12:12 PM
      This is one of the most vivid, awe-inspiring dreams I've ever had.

      Me and Laura were in some type of virtual reality, but it was our only reality. We could create a house and a life and put it anywhere we want, but we were also constrained to a particular environment with a set of roomates. One of which was a girl, which we somehow knew well, one of Laura's friends. My family was there sometimes too. The virtual reality was set upon layers, different levels, like a building. We would go up different levels when we thought we were complete with one. It was much like the sims, but in first person. Many random things happened, and eventually at one point as we left the building, it turns out it was an interactive experience like discovery world. We went to my house with two other people and my dad was saying things and Laura asked me why I would let him say that. So eventually as he said something about my car, I screamed Fuck You and then the two other people said something so I screamed at them, Laura said something and I said Fuck You to her too. I screamed more at my dad. I took off in the car and went back downtown

      I went back downtown to the interactive building place, which was very lively outside with different kinds of activity, like markets and police and parking cops, but all seemed so friendly, like it was a home.There was very odd devices in one room - it was almost like discovery world. People would rent metal detector type things and pick up on little hints that would give them fun facts before entering the building. Me and Laura were upstairs now in what seemed like a real room, not the interactive reality, as if we had just arrived after being at my house. She screamed at me and Noel was there and someone else, she accused me of something and decided to break up with me, I tried to persuade her that it wasn't the case but she stormed off with Noel and them as we argued down into the parking structure where she took off. I was extremely upset.

      At this point, after arriving home, I got back into my car, which was now Laura's car, as if she had sold me it before. I was now a girl. A beautiful girl that I related completely with. I felt at home in her body. Her face was slightly slender, she was skinny, with brownish blackish hair. I still felt like my boy self inside of her, my actual self, with slight alterations that come with being a girl. I went back downtown and into the metal detector room, which was a sort of entrance, after parking my car. I met a boy, a very intriguing boy that I was immediately infatuated with. We initially spoke nothing about our past lives and started flirting - about what I can't remember but it was so smooth and easy, and enticing. In relation, the building had a woman outside at a parking meter everyday, directing people in and out of some type of roundabout, and right behind her on the building wall was like a fire-escape ladder, but much more colorful like a net at a jungle gym, one single rope ladder that let to a little cubby in the wall. I went back EVERY single day, this was were the boy stayed, carrying a flower or something in case Laura saw me so that I could pretend I was bringing it for her. I felt guilty but she wouldn't respond or call me. But she never came. Instead, every day I would go back downtown and climb the rope into the cubby and love talking to the boy. It was finally at one point that I told him that I was in a relationship, and he kind of freaked out but calmed down quickly. I told him it was on the rocks and that we were done so there was nothing to worry about. The following day I came back, I had a terrible feeling, as if I would find him dead. I found the boy in the cubby hanging with a plastic bag over his head. I tackled him down and tore off the plastic bag, and he was still breathing. I hugged him. The boy was so sweet and forgave me and himself for doing it, he was very quiet but the attraction never strayed because of it, it only grew with each day I saw him. I told him not to do it ever again. The following day I came back and climbed into the cubby. I could barely see his face beneath pillows of plastic bags and devices he'd layered on his face to suffocate himself. It was horrifying. Nothing seemed wrong with him, he seemed so lovely and sweet yet kept attempting suicide. I tore off what seemed like 10 layers of plastic bags and bottles off of his face, and checked his pulse. He was alive. He yelled and yelled and told me how terribly stupid I was for doing that. I had foiled two of his suicide attempts now and he was tired of it. He screamed and scared the hell out of me. Such a horrible feeling struck me. The boy I was infatuated with had turned out like everyone else, a sense of dread overtook me and I felt immensely sad and visibly hurt. I immediately left in a panic, this time my car was in the parking structure connected to the building, so I went out the cubby and into the building where my car was and drove it out recklessly. After almost hitting someone, I found a curb and pulled over beside the downtown traffic. I tried to compose myself. I had no computer or internet enabled phone and suddenly, was very very lost in the maze of downtown. I had to find a phone number to call for the suicide hotline to help him before he did it again. I wanted to call Laura to help me, to explain things. I wanted to get home, so nobody thought that I had done it. But that was never a real possibility, I kept assuming that it was impossible because I was so close to him and saved his life twice, that there was no way.

      The city began to look different as I drove on. I was further away from home with every new street that I took, completely lonely and lost. The city looked different, the people looked different, acted differently. Monuments and rural inner-city towns showed up, very reflective of Washington. I came to a Mall. I parked my car and struggled to find an entrance. I finally got in through a store and was stuck in the bustling mall looking for some type of phone, and now that I was in another place, a map to get home. It kept getting later, time slowed not.

      As I came into one store, it seemed to be a science observatory kind of thing, still similar to Discovery World but now in a Mall in a completely different city. It looked nothing alike to the building in my downtown. I told someone I had to get out of here, and he asked why I would want to do that, acknowleding psychically that I liked sciences and an actual interactive store would be perfect of me. I told him I knew that but left anyway. I found myself in a hall of mirrors illusion where every turn let me back into a place I had found myself in. After an eternity, I found the one recognizable place I knew - Cafe Hollander. The theme was different, it was tribal and tropical and a large, large room, very empty. I went immediately to the clueless cashier, the only one in the entire room, who I then asked for directions, and a number, both I think. She absent-mindedly stared at me and then gave me a map and said "Oh this might help yeah", it showed me where I was but didn't give directions. I grabbed it anyway. I figured if I could get directions to the cafe hollander I knew, I could get home easily. Eventually, I tried to get out of the mall. I noticed a Boston Store and ran inside. I got out of the mall,but was in a daze to where I was again, I was in another parking area near a fountain and a long grass field. People were everywhere. I immediately picked up on the fact that lots of very rich people were playing an extensive game. I noticed lots of limos and speeding old, rich people getting into luxury cars and travelling in similar directions. I went into a parking lot for similar cars and found one, ignoring my own car because I couldn't find it, so It started and I drove through and tried to find my own car. I ended up further down into industrial downtown by a bustop. I got out and saw a computer. There were people around a big pavillion and some cops pulled up. I decided to ask them the number to the hotline but she said she couldn't help friendly inqueries while in the state of a bust. They grabbed two people and suspected them of something. I walked back to the computer and tried to get directions and the number again. It wouldn't work and kept freezing. I remember telling a random person about the boy killing himself or attempting to, and he told me that I probably did it. I scoffed and went away. I got back in my car and on the radio I had heard the boy was dead. I don't remember how I acted. Numb, I think. I was back at the mall and once I realized where I was, I got out of the car, pulling up on a grass hill near a sidewalk that led to the parking lot where MY car was. I knew this attracted attention. I noticed a sign that said Omaha. Security and cops came outside and I ran up the hill, knowing I was being accused now of killing the boy, not to mention other things. I was blocked by a chubby security guard but burst past him. Him and another were right behind me as I searched for my car. One pulled out a taser and I heard them talking about when to shoot it until one said now. I ducked behind a car. I couldn't find my own car but by then I was giving up. The security guard wouldn't and came over started to tase me. I told him I surrendered and put my hands in the air. Reluctantly he stopped it seemed.

      I was now in a police station, in the main area with a bunch of other people. I was being walked in and was told that I was suspected of murder, attempted murder, fleeing from the cops, stealing a vehicle and reckless driving. I was caught but couldn't wait to give my side of the story. I knew in my heart that I loved this boy and wanted them to know that. Before they would bring us into the judge, which was in the same police main office area, I was in a occupying room with a few others. The officer who brought me in wasn't the security guard, but he told me to wait with these others. Some were old, most seemed old and disabled. One next to me didn't speak when I asked her where I was. Someone else said something and then suddenly the woman spoke, but clearly something was wrong with her. My ears were pierced and I plugged them but they still hurt. The woman's voice was loud and booming and deathly. I hoped she wouldn't speak again but she did once or twice after that. It didn't seem to affect anyone else. I went to the other side of the room and now we were brought into the main office. There was a middle aged guy seated next to me, and we were all apparently suspects in the murder, so the judge, who was an average police officer, told us what had happened. He had killed himself and it was well known that I was the last at the scene. The others said nothing, the middle aged guy began but I cut him off. I was told to speak, and so I expressed myself. I expressed in detail how every day I would come by and I spoke of the feelings we had towards each other. At this point in the story, I felt male while my body may have been female, and sometimes the other way around. I began to tear up and an associated officer beside me told me it was okay to go ahead. The middle aged guy said that this was proof that I loved him and that I wouldn't murder him. I explained more and was finally done, having shared my experience the best I could to be let off the hook. It was at this point, that the officer regretted to inform us that we were all crazy. He showed me an empty pill capsule and told me that I suffered from a disease that made me think that people were after me and that more intense events were happening that were really not. At this point, I hit an all time low - numbness completely, pain shot through me when trying to find a way to remember the boy now before I went cold.
      I tried to call Laura.
      I woke up.

      It was horrifying to me, in my dream, it was so vivid and felt so real - these feelings I had were borderline love, it was something I had never felt. I was so, immensely sad. I could've maybe lived in the dream if I hadn't had been crazy but now I didn't know what to think. I never asked for an explanation on wbether or not the boy was real or who killed him, or if I even knew him. But I knew those feelings were real. I had felt them through my dream. I was shocked and saddened and angry at the way things unfolded. I had hoped I would be acquired and let go, acknowledged that I was innocent, and left alone to mourn. But, the officer judge, as if to remind me of the uneven cohesiveness, loose fabric and fakeness of the dream world, ripped me from my faux-reality. I awoke feeling every feeling from my dream as if I had felt it. I was immersed and truly thought the dream was reality for the most part

      I was utterly compelled to write this down. I was enlightened, tempted, and border-line driven mad by this dream, so I have to remember it. It's importance, while metaphorically may be assumed to be nothing as compared to the end of the dream itself, is still valid in the way that it made me feel.