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    The Dog / The wheelchair

    by , 10-06-2012 at 08:38 AM (281 Views)
    Walkin with a friend (Stefan) in some kind of town around (akin to the inner city of zagreb), suddenly we see a dog walking the street, his tail looks like the tail of a collie, the torso like a dachshund and the head is a mixture german sheperd.... i love how he looks and i say to my friend, that i would like to take that dog, because he is not to big but and on the other side, he does not look too small...


    I'm driving in an tram with some other people, i do not know. I'm in a wheelchair, but actually i know that i dont need it, but somehow i find it comforting, that the people think i need it. Sometimes i get up, and do something, for example i hold the door of the tram open for someone i know, and at the same time i think about, why is it, that the do not seem do recognise that i'm actually dont need that wheelchair.
    Than, at some point, we discuss, how they would help me pass through a window, with that chair and all that and i'm thinkin if it wouldn't be good to tell them, that i do not need that wheelchair....

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