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    dream impressions

    by , 12-10-2012 at 11:19 AM (293 Views)
    I was on a flight, which obviously was going down, so i tried to be a pilot... simultaneously i get someone how had some exirience with flighing an airplain. i was on the had, upside down, and then on the wrong side.


    I was part of an company, we tryed to make weed, or a sauna, some workers where there, they combined a sunlamp with an sauna, then there where some trobles, a worker bought machines, we dont really needet, the next they, other workers, they seemed better suited for the job, had build a good growing camber, the only thing, i didn't understand was the entrance...

    then there was a fest, a lot of people came, including a friend of mine, selina, she was very nice, and tried to make a cosy atmosphere out of the place, which was not too easy.


    I went with my mother to in our house, than my brother came, and made some streß, i told him, that he should chill a bit, that everything is o.k, and there is no need for stress.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment