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    My journeys into the Dream World.

    Pirates invading my sub and some zombiez.

    by , 03-31-2011 at 01:44 AM (423 Views)
    Blue= Non-Lucid
    Red= Lucid
    Orange= TOTM
    Green= Real life

    So my next dream actually took place on the submarine in my earlier dream, (Maybe it was the same dream but i'm going to classify it as 2 dreams)

    So it started out where i was at the controls of the submarine using a control interface called "Spirit". And i was failing, miserably haha. So i heard we were gonna be boarded (So my dad was not on the ship just my brother and this one guy) Anyways i went to the middle of the submarine with my brother where there was like secondary controls. So anyways the door broke down and it was kinda dark and i looked around for objects to attack them with. I found a hard drive that i was gonna use as a flail by holding it by the USB cable and then i found a pen which i could stab them in the neck with. Then the scene changed to the basement at the front of the sub where that "one guy" was like doging a bullet from the 2 guys while he let them accidentaly kill each other. So then i kinda went to where i went to the front of the ship where my brother was in my baby cousin's room? (O________o) The wall paper was green with clouds. Anyways my brother was in like this secret room thing where he was chilling. So i went in there and we look at this train/ cart thing in from of us ( oh and the door to the room was like a clam shell that was low to the ground that would like go up and you could get in) So we looked at the train it it had cars that would like infalte and deflate a certain way and i walked over and messed with one and messed it up so it didn't inflate and deflate right. So then we walked outside where the room was now like a starbucks and some of my friends were there including one of my older friends with his girlfriend. They were making breakfast burritos ( well apparently starbucks has a breakfast burrito bar in my dreams now ) And his girlfriend was making a burrito with like this pasta stuff that resembles the lasagna from pizza huts $10 pasta night. Anyways i put some beans and sour cream in mine becuase apparently i thought that would be good. Then when we got our burritos we went into a side room and started eatign them and i asked her how she made hers as her ingredients were not on the plate of ingredients ( O___________o) and she said annoyedly back " do it yourslef" then i asked her again and she and her boyfriend both said angrily " do it yourself" ( WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN) Then apparently i went into a zombie game where i made the options cool and it was from first person in this rooom that had animal cages and i was running toward the zombies but it was like real life, not a game and anyways i got killed and spawned by this wagon as a ghost where i talked to my friends and decided to go comb peoples hair to scare them.


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